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9 11 Firefighters' heard Explosions Building 7 Mossad CIA Foreknowledge and Insider Trading
Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring “Project Pinto.”
Jim Rickards/Max Keiser discuss 9/11 Insider Trading
Jim Rickards confirms that insider trading of airline stocks was taking place. To his discredit he distances himself from accusing any governmental involvement I understand he feels he must take that stance in order to maintain his "status".
To Max's credit he stuck to the connections between Buzzy Krongard, Alex Brown, and his CIA connections.
9-11/Israel did it - Wikispooks
9/11 Hijackers Trained at U.S. Military Bases?
Bin Laden was CIA asset Tim Osman
The Bush-Saudi Connection - Transcripts chronicle 9/11 terror - Jan. 15, 2004›2003/US/Northeast/08/28/911.…
The officers in the Port Authority's command center sometimes sounded as confused and worried
as the many office workers looking for information and help. "Something blew up at the Trade
Center," said in an early outgoing call from the Port Authority police desk.
1. In early 2001, Afghanistan's Mullah Omar reportedly offered to deal with Osama in exchange
for the lifting of sanctions. Why was the US government apparently not interested?
(Sudan’s minister of defense, Fatih Erwa, has claimed that Sudan offered to hand Bin Ladin over to the United States.)
2. Eight of the people on the original FBI list of 9 11 hijackers were found to be still alive after 9 11. How could this be?
3. All four planes allegedly involved in 9 11 have thousands of parts with a serial number. Why was not a single one of them recovered?
4. How come the cell phones (allegedly) worked on the 9 11 planes?
5. Why did the stock market see an enormous surge in 'put options' on United Airlines and American Airlines on the day before 9 11?
6. How did the passport of alleged hijacker Satam al Suqami survive in the World Trade Center debris? The flight recorders did not survive.
7. Why was a military grade of thermite found at all sample sites surrounding Ground Zero?
8. A large number of 9/11 witnesses heard and saw explosions going off inside the Twin Towers long before their collapse. How come?
9. Why did the BBC confirm live on air the collapse of the WTC 7 building - which was not even hit by any plane - no less than 23 minutes before it actually collapsed?
10. Dov Zakheim was CEO of SPC, a company making systems for remote control of airplanes.
Six months before 9/11, he became supervisor of a group of Pentagon comptrollers responsible for tracking $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon books.
Many of these comptrollers died on 9/11.
Why has there been no investigation of Dov Zakheim?
11. Five Israelis set up a video camera on top of their white van pointing at the Twin Towers before they were hit. Later they were seen celebrating.
According to the FBI, two were Mossad agents. They admitted on Israeli TV that they had been sent to New York to "document" the attacks. What was going on?
12. Two US employees of Odigo, an Israeli company based in Herzliya, the headquarters of Mossad, received a text message about the attack on the WTC two hours before it happened.
13. ICTS International was the company responsible for airport security at Dulles, Logan and Newark airports on 9/11.
This company, owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon, employed lots of former Israeli Shin Bet agents. Why has the company not been investigated?
14. Larry Silverstein leased the WTC seven weeks before 9/11.
Silverstein over-insured the WTC against terrorism. Why?
15. Why was anthrax mailed to the only two US senators who voted against the Patriot Act?
16. Situation room director Deborah Loewer followed Bush to Florida on 9/11 although that is not part of her job description? Why?
17. We have not been shown the full tapes from the Pentagon's security cameras. The hole in the Pentagon is smaller than the hole that would be caused by a Boeing 757. No significant plane debris and no remains of passengers were ever found. How come?
18. The 9/11 Commission did not consult engineers and architects who could have shown that steel and concrete towers cannot dissolve into molten metal and fine powder in only 10 seconds after localized and relatively low-temperature fires. Kerosene cannot melt steel. What was going on?
19. The 9/11 Commission did not consult airline specialists who could have explained that trainee pilots, who had practiced on light aircraft for a few weeks, could not land a jet on the ground floor of the Pentagon. Why not?
20. The two co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, wrote in the New York Times in January 2008 that the CIA "failed to respond to our lawful requests for information about the 9/11 plot [and] obstructed our investigation." What was going on?
21. Osama bin Laden has not been formally indicted by the FBI, in connection with for 9/11. Why not?
22. How could all the alleged 19 'hijackers' have been identified in less than 72 hours, without a crime scene investigation?
23. None of the 19 'hijackers' appeared on the passenger lists released the same day by both United Airlines and American Airlines. How come?
24. Why did Mohammed Atta study flight simulation at place surrounded six US Navy training bases?
(Why did Atta choose to learn to fly at a Venice, Florida airport reportedly long used for CIA operations?)
25. There were eight indestructible black boxes on those four 9 11 flights. Who has got them?
26. 4 hijacked planes, deviating from their flight paths, were allowed to fly around US airspace for more than an hour and a half. The Pentagon's defense systems did not work. Why?
27. Secretary of the US Air Force James Roche did not try to intercept the planes that hit the WTC (which is seven minutes away from McGuire Air Force Base) and the Pentagon (10 minutes away from McGuire). Why not?
28. When the attacks took place, why did George W Bush continue to recite "My Pet Goat" in his Florida school and why was he was not instantly taken to safety by the secret service?
29. Bush claims he saw the first plane hitting the WTC as it happened. How come? Video of the first plane hitting the tower did not surface until AFTER the second plane had hit World Trade Center.
30. A number of experienced airline pilots say that the complex flying maneuvers of 9 11 could only have been accomplished by remote control. So?
31. Frank de Martini, WTC's construction manager, said "We designed the building to resist the impact of one or more jetliners." So?
32. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani authorized the immediate shipment of WTC rubble to China and India for recycling. Why?
33. Metallic debris was found 13 kilometers from the crash site of the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. Was the plane shot down?
34. Former Pakistani foreign minister Niaz Niak said in July 2001 that the US had already decided to attack Afghanistan by October 2001. Was 9 11 to be the excuse?
35. US ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine told FBI agent John O'Neill in July 2001 to stop investigating al-Qaeda's financial operations. Why?
36. According to French state radio and Le Figaro newspaper, Bin Laden was admitted to the American hospital in Dubai on 4 July 2001, after flying from Pakistan. (Reportedly Osama met the CIA's Larry Mitchell at the American hospital.) What was going on?
37. Why did president Bill Clinton abort an attack on Bin Laden in October 1999?
38. George W Bush dissolved the Bin Laden Task Force nine months before 9/11. Why?
39. The boss of Pakistan intelligence (ISI) was Lieutenant General Ahmad.
According to Indian intelligence, Ahmed arranged to have US$100,000 sent to Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001.
Pakistan's intelligence (ISI) chief Lieutenant General Ahmad was in Washington during the week of 9 11.
He met all the CIA and Pentagon top brass.
Remember When Donald Trump Appeared on Alex Jones' 'InfoWars'
Trump is the only U.S. president who (albeit before his election) appeared on Alex Jones’ online show,
via video from Trump Tower in December 2015
Think about it - the right-wing, neocons who were in the pockets of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the corporate
colonialists started illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine. That's where terrorism
has spread from...the lies and war crimes
following a false flag attack on 9/11...was the extension of the NATO Operation Gladio, Operation Northwoods
type tragedy - ideal for the fascist mantra of clash of civilizations.
Trump almost got it right: Some people were arrested for celebrating 9/11 — but they were Israeli
118 Witnesses: The Firefighters' Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers
Dr. Graeme MacQueen
in January, 2006 an article by David Ray Griffin appeared entitled, “Explosive Testimony: Revelations
about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories.” Drawing on a collection of oral histories from the
New York Fire Department (FDNY), Griffin argued the case for controlled demolition of the towers. I
found myself intrigued by the data he had used and impressed by his method, but I decided there was
room for further research. I wanted answers to two questions. (1) Are the roughly 31 witnesses to
explosions quoted by Griffin the total of all witnesses to explosions in these sources, or are
there others he does not mention? (2) Are there witnesses in these sources whose testimony
supports the non-explosive collapse of the Towers—the U.S. government’s perspective? I decided to
read the primary sources in order to answer these questions. This paper gives the results of my research.
CIA-connected Saudi arms tycoon Adnan Khashoggi—along with intelligence officials from France, Saudi Arabia,
Iran, Egypt, Israel, and Morocco—established the Safari Club.
Another former head of Saudi intelligence, Kamal Adham, was an early insider with the Bank of Credit
and Commerce International (BCCI), a bank that came to play an
important role in the financial side of the U.S.-dominated covert netherworld.
Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001
The people ultimately found included an unnamed customer of Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown (DBAB). This involved a trade on United Airlines (UAL) stock consisting of a 2,500-contract order that was, for some reason, split into chunks of 500 contracts each and then directed to multiple exchanges around the country simultaneously.[12] When the 9/11 Commission report pointed to a “single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda,” it was referring to either DBAB or its customer in that questionable trade.
Michael Ruppert has since written about DBAB, noting that the company had previously been a financier of The Carlyle Group and also of Brown Brothers Harriman, both of which are companies closely related to the Bush family.
A. B. Krongard. Alvin Bernard "Buzzy" Krongard (born October 25, 1936) was the executive director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [1] He was appointed by George Tenet on March 16, 2001.
Krongard's name was brought up in conjunction with investigations into suspected 9/11-related insider trading because of timely Wall Street trades made through the investment bank he used to head, Alex. Brown.[10]
The 9/11 Commission Report stated:
A single U.S.-based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda purchased 95 percent of the UAL puts on September 6 (2001) as part of a strategy that also included buying 115,000 shares of American on September 10. Similarly, much of the seemingly suspicious trading on September 10 was traced to a specific U.S.-based options trading newsletter…which recommended these trades.[11]
U.S. military and FBI information - five of the alleged 9/11 hijackers of the planes, received training at secure U.S. military installations in 1990s.
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
A number of the Israeli "art Students" a.k.a Mossad resided for a period of time in Hollywood, Fla. — the small city where Mohammed Atta
and three terrorist comrades lived for a time before Sept. 11.
Netanyahu Worked Inside Nuclear Smuggling Ring “Project Pinto.”
9-11/Israel did it - Wikispooks
9/11 Hijackers Trained at U.S. Military Bases?
Bin Laden was CIA asset Tim Osman
The Bush-Saudi Connection
911 Missing Links Documentary
Special Relationship
The United States is teaming up with Al Qaeda, again
High-Fivers and Art Student Spies
What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?
Operation Northwoods, the Forgotten Insanity ...
A Proposed False Flag Operation to Fly Planes into US Buildings
Saudi king blamed Mossad for 9/11
Former US ambassador to Kingdom: This had to have been an Israeli plot.The Mossad must have done this,” (now king) Salman said.
How the United States Enabled Al Qaeda
Danny Lewin, the Fighting Genius on Flight 11
The first victim of the 9/11 attacks was a veteran of an elite IDF unit, as well as an innovative Internet entrepreneur
The legacy of Danny Lewin, the first man to die on 9/11
Todd Leopold, CNN September 11, 2013
Lewin was sitting in seat 9B. With his Israeli military training and understanding of Arabic, he may have figured out what was going on, perhaps even tried to stop it. According to flight attendants’ calls relayed to authorities on the
ground, the first passenger to be killed was seated in 9B. He was stabbed to death.
The White Van
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
June 21 — Millions saw the horrific images of the World Trade Center attacks, and
those who saw them won't forget them. But a New Jersey homemaker saw something that
morning that prompted an investigation into five young Israelis and their possible
connection to Israeli intelligence.
The Ha’aretz new service of Israel reported:
“The Foreign Ministry said it had been informed by the consulate in New York that the FBI had arrested
the five for "puzzling behavior." They are said to have had been caught videotaping the disaster and
shouting in what was interpreted as cries of joy and mockery.” (2b) (emphasis added)
Ha’aretz went on to describe how the FBI field agents then subjected the five Israelis to days of brutal
interrogation, torture, and solitary confinement.
When their photos were developed, it was revealed that the dancing Israelis were smiling in the foreground
of the New York massacre. (3) According to ABC’s 20/20 attempted whitewash of the incident, in addition to
their outrageous and highly suspicious behavior, the five also had in their possession the following items;
box-cutters, European passports, and $4700 cash hidden in a sock. (4)
Terrorists 'helped by CIA' to stop rise of left in Italy
Guardian, Sunday 25 March 2001
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