Top 50 Pet Peeves | Friends of Zeus Podcast episode 185

4 months ago

Pet Peeves...we've all got 'em!! Some are common and some are pretty specific but I think its safe to say that humans tend to get annoyed by actions of other humans. In this episode we chat about some of the things that get under our skin the most!

#petpeeves #annoying #thingsthatannoyme #podcast #baddrivers #annoyingpeople #misophonia #drivethru #putthingsbackwhereyoufoundit #badtablemannors #gumintheurinal #slowwalkers #thingsthatareannoying #passenderswhochangetheradio #closeyourmouthwhenyoueat #sidewalksareforbikes #roadsareforcars #spamemails #robocalls

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