Sen. Ted Cruz: 'Kamala Harris Has Stood With Criminals, Cartels, And Rioters… Her Record Is Extreme'

5 months ago

Posted • September 11, 2024: Many Democrats' pitches for electing Kamala Harris include claims that after nearly four years of Biden and Harris, crime is down everywhere, especially in big cities. Sen. Chris Murphy likes to say things like that in his pitch for electing more Democrats. -- Ted Cruz @tedcruz: “Kamala Harris has consistently stood with criminals against the American people. She stood with the cartels and opened the border. She stood with criminals and bailed out the Black Lives Matter rioters who burnt down Minneapolis. Her record is extreme.” -- Chris Murphy 🟧 @ChrisMurphyCT: “Then why did crime go WAY up during Trump’s four years and come WAY down under Biden/Harris? Facts still matter.”

Why does crime appear to be coming down? Republican Rep. Andy Biggs helped provide an answer to that question today. It's actually quite simple. Rep. Andy Biggs EXPOSES how Democrats manipulate crime statistics to push a FALSE NARRATIVE that violent crime is DOWN: "There are lies, damned lies—and then there's statistics!" -- This boils down to another case of the Democrats wanting people to believe their claims over what they're personally experiencing and seeing. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Rep. Andy Biggs Explains How Dems Have Altered Reality to Gaslight About Lowering Crime
Rumble: Rep. Andy Biggs Explains How Dems Have Altered Reality To Gaslight About Lowering Crime

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