Lunchtime Chats episode 189: Starseed Wisdom: Staying Authentic in a Programmed World

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This video discusses powerful insights for starseeds and wayshowers in today's chaotic world. Learn how to stay be patient with others, be present, call back your energy, and maintain your authenticity amidst societal programming. Discover the importance of focusing on today, the pitfalls of controlled opposition, and techniques for energetic hygiene. Christina offers a unique perspective on current events and provides practical tools for multidimensional beings to thrive in these transformative times.

2:11 - Recent Experiences and Collective Tension
Discussion of recent travels and observations on collective energy during political events.
7:00 - The Illusion of Choice in Politics
Reflections on the political system and its impact on consciousness.
10:00 - Navigating Reality as Multidimensionals
Guidance on being in the world but not of it, and the importance of staying true to one's inner compass.
15:30 - The Wisdom of Living in the Present
Reading and discussion of a powerful message about focusing on today rather than yesterday or tomorrow.
22:30 - The Intuition of the "Asleep" Population
Insights on the innate intuition of all humans, even those perceived as "asleep" or "in the program."
26:30 - Energetic Techniques for Staying Present
Explanation of how to call back your energy and stay grounded in the present moment.
34:00 - The Power of Being Present
Discussion on how being fully present can change reality and heal the moment.
37:30 - Healing Inner Conflicts
Insights on resolving conflicts we're born with and the importance of authenticity.
41:30 - Permission to Change Perspectives
Encouragement to allow ourselves to change our minds and adopt new perspectives.

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#Consciousness #Starseed #Multidimensional #EnergyHealing #Authenticity

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