Supermayor Tiffany Henyards $135,000 party

5 months ago

Self-anointed south suburban “supermayor” Tiffany Henyard knows how to throw a party. She flew in R&B singer Keke Wyatt and rapper J. Holiday for a mini-concert last month for the “Taste of Thornton Township.”

But the event, which Henyard’s own social media videos show was sparsely attended, has left some residents with a sour taste.

“That was a flop,” said former Dolton trustee Valeria Stubbs who went to see the spectacle for herself.

WGN Investigates filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act for expenses related to the one day event. Records show Keke Wyatt was paid $30,000 to sing for 30 minutes. J. Holiday was paid $20,000 for a half-hour set. The township spent $6,600 to rent inflatable bounce houses. Other costs billed to township taxpayers include everything from comedians to a sound system, staff to equipment and bring the total to at least $85,769.

“I was flabbergasted,” said Lansing resident Jennifer Robertz when told of the costs. “I was pissed off. That’s my money. That’s the people’s money.”

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