When Enemies Pursue | 1 Samuel 19:10

6 months ago

Are you being pursued by an enemy?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are in a new chapter, 1 Samuel 19. I've titled this chapter "When Enemies Pursue God Will Protect."

The key verse of this chapter is 1 Samuel 19:10, which reads:
And Saul sought to pin David to the wall with the spear, but he eluded Saul, so that he struck the spear into the wall. And David fled and escaped that night. — 1 Samuel 19:10

Most assume that David's path to the throne after the defeat of Goliath was easy. It was not. It was well over 15 years from when Samuel anointed him to the time he was finally appointed King of Israel. During this time, he battled with enemies within and without the ranks. Perhaps the most challenging was understanding how to fight with Saul, who was still God's anointed and appointed over the people of Israel.

Many believe leadership is an easy task. It is not. Leadership entails all kinds of battles. It's a firey test of battles fought within and without the ranks of leadership. But there is nothing like the moment when you experience the dual battle of enemies within and enemies without, which is what we will read in this chapter. David will fight battles with the Philistines only to come home and fight battles with his father-in-law.

One truth in this chapter gives hope to those attacked by enemies: if we are faithful to God, he will always provide an escape.

If you feel pursued or attacked by any enemy today, seek refuge in God. Don't take vengeance, battle alone, or take matters into your own hands. Let God fight the battle for you. He's a better warrior. He can see your battle. He knows the tactics of your enemy. He can find a just means of justice and deliverance when you cannot. Let him fight for you, and let him have the victory.

#DivineProtection, #FaithInTheBattle, #GodsDeliverance

Ask This:
In what areas of your life do you feel pursued or attacked by challenges or adversaries, and how can you invite God’s protection and guidance into those situations?
How can you apply David’s response to Saul’s pursuit in your own leadership or personal challenges, particularly when dealing with conflict or feeling attacked by others?
Do This:
Let God fight every battle.

Pray This:
Lord, when I feel pursued and under attack, help me to trust in Your protection and seek refuge in Your strength. Guide me to rely on Your wisdom and let You fight my battles, knowing You will provide a way of escape. Amen.

Play This:
Belong To You.

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