Young Killers

6 months ago

Another school shooting just happened, this time in Georgia. There have long been mass shootings, but the wave of school shootings seemed to start in 1999 with the shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado where 15 were killed and many more injured. Why did they start at that point. It seems to me that the pot had been boiling for decades. Why is that the case? I believe it largely started in the 60s with the sexual revolution, including the contraceptive mentality. Also things like no-fault divorce came about. All of this contributed to the breakup of the family. Divorce greatly harms children, even for life. In the 60s, prayer and the Bible were kicked out of schools, and God and religion overall started to decline, including the Catholic Church with Vatican II. Much evil has filled the vacuum.
The sexual revolution brought about AIDS in the 80s and now many are pushing for the mutilation and drugging of children with the false hope that they can change their sex, a true evil. There is much money in this evil though.
Young people see all of this madness and they don't have anything solid to grasp onto. They so hunger to know right and wrong, but often are not taught at home ande definitely not at school and not much in churches anymore.
But what causes a few young men to shoot up their schools? It has been discovered that the recent Georgia shooter was abused at home, his mother was on drugs, it was a broken home, the father was an abuser. Then he goes to school and gets constantly bullied. He represses all of this and gets a warped view of the world. He is getting no love and in an upside down way, goes on a shooting rampage in search of love. Not an excuse, but a reason. I believe that generations of family breakdown has gotten the country to this point. The country has to return to God and traditional morality if we are to be saved.

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