Brief Eschatology for LDS, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christians, Jews, Buddhism, Muslim and Hindu

5 months ago

Welcome to @Science-God
Delve deep into the intersection of Science and Faith,
challenge everything — from the origins of the cosmos to the very nature of the Creator Himself.
"Religion gives man purpose; science gives him the power to pursue it."

Hello, wonderful people, and welcome back to the channel!
Today, we’re exploring a topic that has captivated human imagination for centuries: the end times.
This subject, often referred to as eschatology in religious circles,
is actually a sub-branch of Philosophy.

Now, Philosophy is the study of the most fundamental questions about reality, knowledge, and value.
It’s a rational, critical inquiry where we ask, answer, and debate life’s biggest questions.

Different religions have unique perspectives on what happens when the world as we know it comes to an end, and today, we’re going to break it all down.

From the Second Coming in Christianity to the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism
let’s explore what each tradition says about the ultimate fate of the universe and our place in it.

I'm going to take you on a quick journey through the end-time beliefs of several major religions.

7 World Religion's Eschatology: Mormon, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Biblical Christianity. Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu.

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