Brian Stelter Upset By Racist Cat Memes

5 months ago

Posted • September 11, 2024: CNN has re-hired Brian Stelter and Rep. Eric Swalwell had a meltdown in Congress over a meme of Donald Trump hugging a duck and a cat. We've compiled some of the best memes here and here. There are so many, we can't keep up. The memes are a humorous (Humor? Remember that?) reaction to Springfield, Ohio residents claiming that some of the 20,000 Haitian migrants dumped on the town of fewer than 60,000 were eating ducks and cats. There is police bodycam video of black woman next to a cat she'd just killed, but there's no indication she's Haitian. Still, residents of Springfield have had enough. Sam Janney had this post in her story earlier, but check out CNN's Dana Bash barely being able to get out the words to describe these memes. -- Seriously, Bash looks like she's going to have a breakdown.

CNN wasn't done covering the racist memes, though. Media analyst Brian Stelter had his say: "Migrants are stealing and eating pets" is both a racist lie AND a meme. People like the owner of this website are spreading the claim and laughing about it at the same time – further poisoning the info environment. -- Aw, Stelter is sad. Another right-wing conspiracy theory. Here's the thing, though. The New York Post reported back in July that Ohio senators were seeking federal assistance to build housing for the 20,000 Haitian migrants that had been dumped on Springfield, population < 60,000. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Brian Stelter Upset by Racist Cat Memes
Rumble: We've Reached The Stage Where Cat Memes Are Now Racist
Rumble: Eric Swalwell Has A Complete Meltdown Over Trump Cat Memes

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