Linus Pauling – High Dose Vitamin C

4 months ago

Linus Pauling discovered that High Dose Vitamin C could heal the common cold quickly.

Linus thought the medical profession would be pleased as they wouldn’t be bothered by patients with the common cold as they didn’t have very good treatments and they could concentrate on more serious illnesses.

Pleased, they were not. The medical “profession” went on a campaign to discredit all of his studies and came up with a few of their own to rebut everything Linus said and called his studies false.

He was attacked by the “prestigious” doctors from Harvard, criticizing him that he was not a professor of nutrition, even though doctors are not either.

Medical Medium – Anthony William says that viruses could not exist in the body if there were enough Vitamin C.

Pauling recommends a minimum of 6,000 mg per day. If I remember correctly Medical Medium said when you are sick to take a minimum of 9,000 mg per day and could go much higher.

Anthony William – Medical Medium said that in the near future the medical industry will regulate Vitamin C, not allowing high doses.

The medical industry says that Linus Pauling is a QUACK.

Linus says it is good for anything that is wrong with a person and protects from all diseases and conditions.

Linus Pauling took high dose vitamin C data to the top Oncologists in the world as they proved to prevent cancer and make those with cancer live much longer. They mocked him.

The Mayo Clinic decided to test his theory of high dose vitamin C. The study was stopped after 75 days.

These “scientific” f*ckers with these peer reviewed journals are FRAUDSTERS.

His wife did die of cancer.

Linus Pauling says that Vitamin C can help heart disease.

It is the super high intravenous Vitamin C that really helps – some have slow dripped 100,000 mg a day to heal their terminal cancers.

Learn the TWO conditions that MUST be present for Cancer to Exist – True Cause of Cancer →



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