The Importance of Passion, Creativity and Freedom with Jason Gardiner

5 months ago

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The Importance of Passion, Creativity and Freedom with Jason Gardiner

In this lively episode of The Wellness Way podcast, Philly chats with Jason Gardiner about all manner of topics, including:

- Jason's early years, growing up and having a traumatic time being "different" and being raised in a non-loving and unstable environment.

- How Jason discovered dance through gymnastics and then ballet, which became his way of expressing creativity through something he was passionate about and extremely good at.

- The realisation that School Systems crush creativity and that every child has different needs and ways of learning.

- How Jason moved to London 30 years ago and faced challenges with a very different environment, especially the weather! Jason explains how he dealt with these challenges by embracing his abilities as a dancer and developing inner confidence.

- The importance of finding your passion in life and how goals and ambition can help you deal with anything.

- How the years of trauma led to issues with OCD which is a form of self-harm, and how therapy and awareness helped to deal with it.

- The theatrics of the "pandemic", and how the Government's words, language and policies surrounding a "public health emergency" caused so much harm.

- How Jason lost everything when the censorship was ramped up and he lost his company and all of its assets to the Government.

- The importance of fighting for our freedoms and speaking the truth.

Don't miss this enthralling conversation between Jason and Philly, full of passion and humour as they discuss everything from early years trauma to the future of healthy living.

Connect with Jason on Instagram - @thejasongardiner

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- The Wellness Way: A Beginners' Guide to Your Natural Health Systems: Interactive E-book
- The Wellness Way Fasterclass: 34-Part Video Series on Health
- The Wellness Awakening: Meditation Album from Past Lives to Passing
- Philly's Kitchen: 8-Part Video Series From the Heart of the Home

Please always consult your health provider for any conditions that concern you.

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