The Shroud Actually Real for Real This Time?✝⚛

5 months ago

The Shroud of Turin has been in the news again the last few weeks. If you clicked on this video, I'm pretty sure you know what the shroud of Turin is, but for those who stumbled here some other way the shroud of Turin is allegedly the burial cloth of Jesus. A few weeks ago, a study came to light that used a new technique to date the shroud and it dated it to the first century. So, in line with Jesus. This conflicts with a carbon dating test done in the eighties which showed the shroud to be from the Middle Ages, which has made many scientists dismiss the shroud as a forgery. If you know anything about carbon dating it's pretty accurate, especially with organic material. So, how could these two tests come up with very different results? And which one is correct? Let me explain!

#theshroudnewevidence #theshroudofturin #theshroudisreal

Background planet art is all my own unless otherwise stated.

✝=Religious Video
⚛=Science/Engineering Video

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