[CLIP] Venezuela’s Flawed Elections and Latin America’s ‘Axis of Evil’: Eric Patterson

5 months ago

“Up until 2016, the evidence was right in front of us, at least if you spoke Chinese or could read Chinese, because hospitals were advertising, in kind of a terrible rendition of a market economy, that you could go there for such and such a price and get a new lung or a new liver or something on 24 hour’s notice. Now, what kind of organ industry can advertise that you can shop around on a very, very short notice to get a vitally needed organ? That can only happen if you have a sort-of supermarket Walmart approach, where organs are right there, ready on demand. And how was that? And here's the way the evidence works. It's important for people to realize that hundreds of thousands, and perhaps millions of people, if they were taken into police custody, would then be blood-typed. And there's not really other countries around the world [where] you're taken into jail, and not just fingerprinted or something, but your blood-type is checked. And then, there [were] massive disappearances or long-term incarcerations of members of Falun Gong, of Christians, of Uyghurs, of other groups. And the evidence is very compelling that what was happening is that the purpose of the blood-typing was to match a donor organ with a person who could pay for it - a party member, an industrialist, or something like that. And so, you had a terrible system of Chinese, or even some apparently tourists coming - medical tourism in a sense - and taking advantage of their fellow men and women. Those things came down in 2016, but it appears that it continued beyond 2016.” - Eric Patterson

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