9/11 RIPPLE EFFECT (2007)

4 months ago

What did you hear transpire on September 11, 2001? Using live video feeds and photos taken early on September 11, 2001, producers Lewis and von Kleist show the audience the insider workings of the biggest assault in US history while also revealing the official narrative's lies. Expert analysis and assistance are provided by pilots, military personnel, and 9-11 researchers in frame-by-frame digital inspections of some of the most talked-about footage ever unearthed. Why has the mainstream media refused to consider fresh facts about 9/11? Why was eyewitness testimony withheld by the 9-11 Commission? Was US Flight 175's undercarriage equipped with a bomb? Were controlled demolition techniques used to bring down the Trade Center Towers? What caused the fall of 7 World Trade Center on September 11, 2001? What caused the Pentagon to collapse? Were explosives employed? Analyze the Flight Data Recorder for AA Flight 77's data stream. Has there been "fair and balanced" coverage of September 11 in the media? What are the prevailing opinions about the events of that day? Pilots Fred Fox, Glen Stanish, and Russ Wittenburg in attendance Military Experts: Maj. Doug Rokke, Maj. Glen MacDonald, Col. George Nelson, and Gen. Albert Stubblebine 9–11 Investigators Jim Fetzer, William Rodriguez, Jim Marrs, Phil Jayhan, and Kevin Barrett

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