Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality John MacArthur Grace to You Church

5 months ago

We thought that this message would good for our souls. A donation will be made to Grace to You for every view.
Earlier in the service I read from the first chapter of Romans what is really a very, very shocking portion of Scripture just to remind you that Romans chapter 1, verses 18 to 32 describes the wrath of God that is unleashed in the world. The wrath of God is divided into a number of elements. There is eschatological wrath – that is the wrath that will fall on the Earth at the end of human history in a time called the time of tribulation. There is sowing and reaping wrath – that is the wrath of God that comes consequent on sin; whatever a man sows he reaps. There is cataclysmic wrath – that is the wrath of God that He sets on man from miraculous use of the natural order such as the flood or any other massive disaster that catapults souls into eternity.

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