6 months ago



Hey Guys, should I put this billboard up in Pennsylvania? I designed it with my friends over at @TheUnitedWest.

Listen carefully to tonight’s Presidential Debate in Pennsylvania between President Trump and Komrade Kamala @KamalaHarris , and you will hear how she changed her view and now loves fossil fuels and oil production, especially “Fracking!”

This lie is from a person who worships at the altar of the Climate Lunatics and will say anything to fool the good folks of Pennsylvania.

Don’t believe her!

America produces 13 MILLION barrels of oil per day and 9 MILLION barrels are from hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as “fracking,” including 81.5 BILLION cubic feet of natural gas per day!

Pennsylvania is one of the states leading the production of oil and natural gas through this very sophisticated process, which builds up the state economy by increasing jobs, lowering fuel rates, creating more transportation and cheaper food prices.

President @realDonaldTrump Trump led the United States to become the world’s largest oil and natural gas producer resulting in record LOW gas prices and NO inflation!

Komrade Kamala and @JoeBiden purposely destroyed all the work that Trump did regarding American energy, resulting in record HIGH gas prices and astronomical inflation.

Pennsylvania, when you listen to Kacklin’ Kamala in the debate tonight, share this message


Drill Baby Drill! #Trump2024

Let me know in the comments if you want me to put my billboard up all over Pennsylvania!

H/T Laura Loomer

LAURA ON X: @LauraLoomer

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