Choose to See Positivity: Mantra; Unlock Your Mind, Rewire Your Thoughts for Lasting Positivity

6 months ago


Hi There

Thanks for becoming part of this Journey
Think that you are made of: GREATNESS, PURE LOVE & LIGHT
The Mantra:
‘I choose to see the good in every situation, embracing the positive even when challenges arise.

This mindset allows me to transform obstacles into opportunities for growth, fostering resilience and inner peace.

By focusing on the silver linings, I cultivate gratitude and attract more positivity into my life, empowering myself to navigate each day with optimism and strength’

Positive and negative thinking form distinct neural pathways in the brain. Positive thinking engages the prefrontal cortex, responsible for problem-solving and emotion regulation, promoting resilience and well-being. Conversely, negative thinking activates the amygdala, the brain's fear center, increasing stress and anxiety levels. Studies from the National Institute of Health (NIH) highlight how repetitive negative thoughts can alter brain function, leading to mental health issues. Neuroplasticity research shows that cultivating positive thoughts can rewire the brain, strengthening connections that support optimism and reducing those linked to negativity.

--Unity of Consciousness is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing a serene and calming experience through meditation and relaxation music. Our channel offers a wide range of soothing melodies and compositions designed to help you unwind, de-stress, meditate and find inner peace. It is our humble mission to help you find happiness and spiritual growth.

--Please follow us on our channels for more relaxation music & more

--Copyright free and for use with no need for credit footage is used in this video from Pixabay
--Sound/Music by: Utube Stock
--Voice is achieved via Fliki
--Rights are deserved to Unity of Consciousness

1. Fox, E., et al. (2015). "Neural markers of resilience in individuals with a family history of depression." Journal of Affective Disorders.
2. Beck, A. T., & Haigh, E. A. P. (2014). "Advances in cognitive theory and therapy: The generic cognitive model." Annual Review of Clinical Psychology.

Eternally Thankful
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