RFK JR Encourages Everyone to Vote for Donald Trump — “It will be Too Late by 2028

5 months ago

RFK JR Encourages Everyone to Vote for Donald Trump — “It will be Too Late by 2028… This is our LAST SHOT

It’s the only way to get me into Washington to fulfill the mission that motivated my campaign. MAHA.

• Free speech is under attack in America, but we have enough of it left to fight and run an opposition political campaign
—— in a lot of countries, you can’t do that anymore. The state owns the medias the state censors the Internet.
—— Brazil banned Twitter because Elon refused to censor users free speech

Kamala Harris says Elon Musk better behave himself, or “he will lose his privileges”

• President Trump is going to be relying on me to help clean up the corruption, and that’s why I’m relying on my supporters like you to help him get back into the White House

“We have to UNIFY. We have to in order to overthrow the entrenched elites who are now ruining our country.”


People have had four years of a nightmare, the Deep-State Cabal is 100% real and behind the veneer of "Capitalism" the marxists in the educational / indoctrination system have brainwashed students with marxist ideology which is why so many of them condemn capitalism in favour of socialism. The USA and indeed all "western" countries have been under a synchronised attack as the globalist communists used covid jabs to depopulate and control food supplies to create famine just as the Bolsheviks did, and the Bolsheviks were zionists.

What the globalists were actually doing behind the veneer of capitalism was COMMUNISM, using BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, all of which are jointly owned by the same people that owned the US Federal Reserve and the Stock Exchanges. Communism via the backdoor with the zionist controlled media spin the narrative that capitalism is the cause of the world's problems. The media have always been a propaganda arm of the deep-state. This is why the jointly owned mega corporations have taken over smaller companies often by force, and it's the corporatocrisy that run and control all governments, and this was orchestrated by the World Economic Forum, run by Klaus Schwab whose father was a Nazi officer.

Today is 9/11/2024 a very significant day, 9/11 was caused by the deep-state cabal because the USA was going to introduce NESARA and Advanced Healing Technologies that have been hidden and prevented from seeing the light of day....why do you think the BRICS Nations are all going back to Gold, the deep-state cabal created the Federal Reserve and used "Quantitive Easing" (legalised counterfeiting) to print more and more dollars that made your hard earned dollars worth less, this is why the real value of today's US Dollar worth less than 2% of what it was many years ago. This give less value, less spending power and makes you a "debt-slave". Trump is going to take the USA into BRICS, this is why Washington DC is a ghost town. The deep-state cabal are terrified because losing control of the money supply will destroy them, this is why the zionist controlled media and Biden/Harris have been causing so much geopolitical unrest because they wish to start WW3. Trump told you their plans, Hillary Clinton was the one who was going to do a 9/11 once again on US soil using a nuke, this was exposed by Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay way back in 2020. This is why Clinton was pissed off losing to Trump in 2016, and why the Democrats cheated in 2020 using Covid to illegally flood the USA with illegal ballots made in China.

Soon the people will learn about the child trafficking networks that involve the neocons who are predominantly in the Democrats as well as in the Republican party, those being the RINOs. The cabal have always controlled the opposition, which is why the scumbags called the Bush family profited from 9/11. Trump may be a Republican, but bipartisan politics has always been two heads of the same snake.... and this is in all countries controlled by the private western central banks of the Rothschild's.

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