Nosotros Trabajamos Duro - Episode 14 - Camp Resolution

4 months ago

This episode, I do some investigative journalism around a homeless camp near Sacramento, California known as Camp Resolution. It was initially setup by the state to move the homeless off the street, and to provide them with housing. The city of Sacramento spent $617,000 on this project, and dropped the ball before any true progress could be made. For the people of Camp Resolution, this is part of their story.

There will be more podcasts to follow-up this one.

#NosotrosTrabajamosDuro #ChristopherSAllen #NosotrosTrabajamosDuroPodcast #Sacramento #California #HomelessCrisis #TheRentIsTooDamnHigh #HardKnockLife #Podcast #PodcastJournalism #CampResolution #Journalism #CaliforniaHomelessCrisis

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