Comments 235-237: Black Workers Are Obsolete, Obama’s & Kamala’s Lies & No Reparations

5 months ago

Comment Number 235 is on the BLACK WALL STREET website. I have said this before. Whenever you see this many Black faces in High places in a White nation state, you know something is wrong. Comment Number 236 is on the World Net Daily Website on INSTICATOR Obummer's appeal is really to Fascism, Communism or Totalitarianism and he is just as a bigger LIAR as Lying Joe Biden. How could anyone, even a "Brainless Fool", elect this "Brainless Fool" as a Senator or a President, The same is true for Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, James Clyburn, Lori Lightfoot and the list goes on. Comment Number 237 is on LINKEDIN. A—D—O—S (African Descendants Of Slaves) and F—B—A (Foundational Black Americans); as well as, all the others; that are pushing and promoting Reparations for Slavery; including Liberal White Democrats for "Political Reasons", are all on a "FOOL’S ERRAND".

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