Caiaphas’ Resignation~The High Priest’s Astonishing Report After Jesus’ Resurrection’

6 months ago

Let's take a closer look at the significant role played by Caiaphas during the turbulent times that led up to the crucifixion of Jesus. Caiaphas was the high priest of Judea from 18 to 36 AD, a period marked by Roman control. His job was tricky; he had to manage the expectations of the Jewish people while also dealing with the Roman authorities who were in charge. As the head of the Sanhedrin, a powerful council responsible for religious and some civic matters, Caiaphas was a key player in the events that unfolded.
The Sanhedrin typically included 71 members, but during the trial of Jesus, Caiaphas only involved a few members, driven by his determination to see Jesus condemned.

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