Rick Weible at Exec meeting Douglas WY Sept 7 2024

4 months ago

Watch Rick Weible present to the Wyoming GOP Executive Committee in Douglas on Sept 7th. He continues to add to his presentations as more information becomes available. The problems described here are endemic around the US. Rick is a Computer Security expert with the U.S. Council on Accurate and Secure Elections (www.uscase.org.) He outlines overarching concerns with the election systems being used for the State's upcoming general election. By their very nature, electronic voting machines and their inner workings are opaque and poorly understood, even by officials whose duty it is to conduct accurate and secure elections. The ‘Black Box ’ nature of the electronic voting equipment flies in the face of Article 1, Section 27 of the Wyoming Constitution which states:
“Elections free and equal. Elections shall be open, free and equal, and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent an untrammeled exercise of the right of suffrage.”

‘Open,’ as written in our Constitution has specific meaning: "OPEN. Not shut; not closed; not sealed; exposed to view or knowledge; not hidden or secret; not enclosed or confined; not covered up or covered over; accessible; as, an open issue; open competition; an open account; an open court." - Black’s Law Dictionary, 1st edition – 1891

Legislation, however, falls far short of Wyoming Constitutional law which is the supreme law of our State. Further, the complexity of the systems has caused election officials to falter on following existing law. The equipment, nor Logic and Accuracy testing, are in compliance with the existing laws and with the contractual agreements with the equipment vendor. And the existing law is not in compliance with the Wyoming Constitution.

Immediate corrective action is imperative. This should not cause alarm nor should it be daunting. The solution is truly simple: Our State must go back to hand counting paper ballots. There are thousands of citizens around the State who stand ready to assist our elected representatives in this transition and beyond. The complexity of the current electronic systems is contrasted with the simplicity of hand counting in this presentation. The contrast was not lost on those State leaders in attendance.

Hand counting paper ballots in small precincts is a collaborative, transparent, inexpensive, and efficient process conducted in the open for all the public to see and understand. Hand counting is the simple and only rightful remedy for the confusion, the opacity, the distrust, the failures, and the great expense that surround the current, unlawful electronic systems.

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