New Jersey 101.5 WKXW-FM incl. Scott and Casey Show, September 11, 2001 | 08:50 A.M. - 03:39 P.M. EDT

5 months ago

Radio news are different from TV news. Oral descriptions are precious, sometimes more precious, and more detailed, when one doesn't see pictures.

Featuring Eric Scott, Jim Gearhart, Dennis Malloy, Scott Hasick, Casey Bartholomew.

Please note: The audio recording comes with blemishes. It is not perfectly continuous. I made a montage of several audio files. Unfortunately, I was not able to cover or recover every single second. The loss is minor. I consider this radio show nevertheless an important time document. When some audio is missing, I've marked these spots with a discreet beep of 0.25 seconds.

Dedicated to the Lives lost on September 11, 2001, and in the aftermath of that day. May they rest in Peace.
Dedicated also to those who survived September 11, 2001.
A tribute to the first responders, their rescue efforts to save and protect lives, and their personal sacrifices.
And a special tribute also to the journalists who did an extraordinary job to inform the public, and this under most difficult conditions.
Thank you all.

And thank you for taking the time to inform yourself.

Archived audio recording owned by Townsquare Media, Inc. (formerly known as Regent Communications)
This video has been created solely for non-commercial purposes of education, review, and news reporting.
- 17 U.S.C. § 107 / 17 U.S.C. § 512(f); and
- 801 F.3d 1126 (2015) / No. 13-16106, 2016 WL 1056082 (9th Cir. Mar. 17, 2016)

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