Saudi Terrorists Owe Massive U.S. Debt For Weapons Used In Yemen Massacres

5 months ago

The United States has been supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia for their onslaught of attacks against Yemen, and a new report has revealed that the Saudi royal family is still REFUSING to pay the massive bills that they owe our country. In spite of that delinquent payment, we are STILL sending them more weapons. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

The United States has been supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia for their onslaught of attacks against Yemen. And a new report has revealed that the Saudi royal family is still refusing to pay the debt that they owe the United States. We've given them money after money, we've given 'em weapons after weapons, and they're saying to us, we're not gonna pay it. That literally is what they're saying. Hell with you, we're not gonna pay it. Now, these are the same people who are responsible for killing, for murdering 3000 Americans on American soil. And we still haven't figured out that these are not our friends. Okay. They're dictators. They're an awful bunch of folks that we have just given unbridled money to. Take it, you know. Am I overreacting to this? It's just every time we have to do a Saudi Arabia story, I want to say, why the hell can't people see that these are not our friends?
Right. And this is so bad here because one, we are selling them the weapons that they're using, and they have used to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians in Yemen. And they've been doing this for years, just this absolute nonstop barrage of attacks against them and we're just giving them these weapons and at this point, giving them to them sometimes for free, because they don't want to pay the tens of millions they still owe us. And Biden came out in 2021 and he said, we're not gonna give you guys any more of these weapons. Okay.
He did.
We're done. Right, he did. And then just last week he also says, you know what? All right, you guys, even though you're not paying us for this, you want some, what is it? Surface to air missiles.
So we'll sell you another load of those. You better pay your bill this time though, because if not.
Well, okay. Who's this good for? It's good for the weapons industry. Okay. Because the weapons industry doesn't care. Taxpayers pay for this. The weapons industry just unloads all of their inventory. Take all these SAM missiles, you might pay us. Well, we know we're already paying it. Taxpayers are already paying it to a country that if you really, Saudi Arabia, if you fully understood what that place was about, it is a den of devils. And we continue to do this. 400,000 deaths, 400,000 deaths in Yemen alone. And they're using the very stuff that we've given them and that they won't pay for. I don't know. How do you turn that around? I mean, it's really a humanitarian catastrophe that's going down there, but we still keep feeding weapons with the thought, okay, they're killing the bad guys. If they kill 'em in Yemen, we won't have to kill 'em in the United States. That's the argument we're getting. Right?
Right. And of course, it's completely untrue. But another reason we do this is because, well, Saudi Arabia is centrally located right there. So we're gonna look the other way for all of your human rights abuses. Every time you cut someone's head off because of a tweet they sent out, which they do. But you gotta let us have our military bases, we gotta have kind of full access so we can keep an eye on the other bad guys in the Middle East. And Saudi Arabia says, yeah, sure. Okay. Build a little base over here and we're gonna take all your weapons and go kill all these people.
Yeah. The only thing you hear about when they're trying to be critical of Saudi Arabia, the Khashoggi. Khashoggi was awful. But there are Khashoggi times a thousand going on every day in Saudi Arabia. I forgot how many heads were lost last year. We did a story.
230 something.
Yeah, about 230.
That was in a day.
That was in one day, beheading. Now, who were most of the people? They weren't thieves, they weren't killers. They were political opponents. They were people that the prince didn't like. So they chopped their head off.

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