Suppressed Cancer Treatments – Important Alternative Cancer Treatment Sources

5 months ago

Cures or very good treatments for cancer have been suppressed since the 1930s.

High Dose Vitamin C taken intravenously, Dr. Raymond Rife’s Machine and Vitamin B17 have been deleted from health history and the science has been “doctored” up to make it appear that not only are they ineffective but could cause harm to people.

It’s all bullsh*t, but they put a great deal of effort to keep their Medical Illusion thriving to make sure people continue to believe in the toxic waste they push – called “Medicine” or Prescription Drugs to treat conditions.

You can do an Internet search for Dr. Royal Raymond Rife with this Rife machine in the 1930s in America which used sound frequencies to break up cancer cells and cure cancer. He saved people's lives until the powers that shouldn't be shut him down and ruined him.

The “Health Authorities” were regulating and censoring ANYTHING that actually helped to heal people from cancer way back in the 1930’s.

The FDA is really a regulatory agency to make sure nothing enters that market that actually helps people HEAL but to allow about everything in the market that TREATS conditions.

Treating and Healing are NOT one in the same. Treating the symptoms only makes the ailment less miserable and less noticeable, but it’s still there in the background.

Healing – is the bodies way of ridding the ailment and it is no longer running in the background.

Herbal Remedies have been shut down and regulated by these rogue agencies supported by Big Pharma.

Any type of helping people were labeled as treating people without a license and they throw one lawsuit after another at you until you are broke.

I uploaded this video to share the sources listed below as 1 in 3 of us will eventually be diagnosed with cancer and we cannot rely on Big Pharma (who likely caused it in the first place from other toxic drugs) to come in and save the day.

Doctors have to follow the Medical Protocol or there will be dire consequences.

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife is an example and he had something that would have helped cure most cancers 80 years ago and Big Pharma shut him down and destroyed his life.

If you want to know the EFFORT of Propaganda our beloved 3 letter agencies spew out – Just Google _ Rife Machine for Treating Cancer and look at all the Headliners that condemn it. Incredible.

James Folsom, who sold a version of the Rife Machine called “AstroPulse” was sentenced to prison on 26 felony counts relating to the sale of unapproved medical devices and for offenses committed after his initial arrest.

Prosecutors said at trial that the devices were manufactured by Folsom and others in San Diego, and that he he failed to register the location with the Food and Drug Administration as a device manufacturing business.

The true science that supports Rife and the high dose Vitamin C studies have been removed, edited, and falsified saying there is no scientific evidence supporting them. We are run by flat out evil agencies that say they have our health & best interest – but it is just exactly the opposite.

That is a FACT. I spent 15 years studying clinical trials and anything that actually did show some promise was NEVER approved and those that caused long-term cancer were almost always approved when they were instructed by the FDA how to “REDESIGN” studies. It is a despicable industry. It truly, truly is. I could go on into the details, but that would be a book on how they send the regulatory “science police” to make sure anything good fails scientific studies.

Why would the government want to prevent alternative treatments – it is all about an Agenda which deals with depopulation, wealth & power.

It is a Chemical Industry – everything natural is just not good for you.

25% of cancer patients are treated with Chemotherapy and most of those end up dying.

Doctors are indoctrinated into this chemical industry in which they HAVE to prescribe chemicals and if they just so happen to step out of the box and do their very own research and figure out the scam, they are censored, threatened with their medical license and put back in their place.

They also have Big Pharm shills like that idiot Dr. Travis on TV who will spread FEAR about taking Vitamin B17 or Laetril found in Apricot Seeds.

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real – If they can create Fear of taking NON-FDA Approved Natural and/or Alternative Treatments then those people will stick to the conventional toxic Big Pharma “treatments.”


1. Brian Ruhe --

2. The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy – JimMarrs --

3. The cure for Diseases Documentary" at

4. One Cure For Cancer – Order Laetril and B 17 --

5. World Without Cancer – The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin – Free PDF --

6. Another Good Book by G. Edward Griffin that is not about Cancer but about the Evil Federal Reserve is called “The Creature from Jekyll Island – A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” --

7. The True Cause of Cancer Explained --

8. Dr. Linus Pauling – Nobel Prize and Medicine Winner Dr. Linus Pauling – Vitamin C and the Common Cold – High Dose Vitamin C --

9. World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin (1974) – Documentary

10. Shocking News: AstroPulse Marketer Headed to Prison --


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END. 9/11/2024 – 9:00 PM

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