Psalm 54: 6 Tune: St Andrew

6 months ago

Sing Psalms
Psalm 54: 6
"I’ll bring a sacrifice to you, a free-will offering"
Tune: St Andrew
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondences. They are more like visual cross-references.
image: Hannah and Eli with Samuel (1 Samuel 1)
Source: CC0 1.0 Universal:


1 Save me, O God, by your great name;
with pow’r deliver me.
2 Hear, O my God, the words I speak
and listen to my plea.

3 For strangers are attacking me;
the ruthless seek my life,
For they have no regard for God
and always stir up strife.

4 Consider this: God is my help;
the Lord upholds my way.
5 In faithfulness destroy my foes;
their slander, Lord, repay.

6 I’ll bring a sacrifice to you,
a free-will offering;
Because your name, O LORD, is good,
your praises I will sing.

7 For you, O LORD, have rescued me
from my distress and woe;
My eyes have looked in victory
upon my cruel foe.

#psalm54 #dailyverse #singpsalms

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