9️⃣ Smart Ways to Handle TOXIC People! 💥🚫

2 months ago

Toxic people in your life? This is something we probably all can relate to or have experienced at some point. Or perhaps we were that toxic friend in our relationships before we started our healing journey. We don't always get to choose who is in our life, we may have neighbors or coworkers or parents or a boss that we have to be around and perhaps they are toxic or unhealthy. So how do we navigate these toxic people? Let's talk about the 9 ways to deal with toxic people (friends, parents, family members, coworkers, boss & more). Do you have experience with toxic people in your life? A toxic boss or a toxic friend or toxic parents or a toxic family member? What has worked for you? Would love to hear in the comments.
Online therapy:
While I do not currently offer online therapy, BetterHelp can connect you with a licensed, online therapist: https://betterhelp.com/kati (enjoy 10% off your first month)
Linnea Toney linnea@underscoretalent.com

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