The Elongated Skulls Of Paracas Peru And Their DNA

5 months ago

Very interesting presentation. Hybrids?
The evidence provided by these skulls found in South America, certainly indicate there were. DNA evidence shows these red haired people originated from Europe and the Middle East, not South
America. Immigrated? Fled?

...hhmmmm Isn't there mention of these hybrid types in The Bible?
These hybrids were also apparently the ruling class in ancient Egyptian times as they were in South America, until some of
the locals did them in.

Hybrid babies born with a full set of teeth!
What were they eating? These skeletal remains are so different from humans, that calling them aliens is not a stretch. However they interbred with homo sapiens so the same "species". Again, kind of connects with the Biblical story doesn't it.

There are more instances everyday where "professional archaeologists" are being paid to shut up. To cover up or to not explore certain areas of research. Much like an
alien among us may prefer? A predator hiding itself.

We can all see that we are being lied to.
Ever wonder who or what is killing us all?
Poisoning our food, water, air and minds?
Think about it! What "human being" would do that?

Well worth the watch. Perhaps connect some dots!



The Elongated Skulls Of Paracas Peru And Their DNA
Source: Brien Foerster

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