🚨You NEED TO KNOW this about Hip Replacement 👀 Hip Surgery Recovery Vlog

6 months ago

WATCH NEXT👉Guide to my Hip Vlog https://youtu.be/eij2FB3RUBg
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00:00 Introduction
00:49 There is Hope!
01:22 Don't Wait!
02:08 Everybody's Hip Journey is unique
03:34 The Answer to Most Questions
04:10 Which Surgical Approach is Best?
04:54 Will I need Physical Therapy (PT)?
05:49 Pete at 18 Months Post-Op
06:43 Walk Your Way to Recovery
07:33 Mike's Cameo Appearance
08:17 BIG TIP
09:18 Have Realistic Expectations
10:20 Recovery can be Tricky
11:24 Rules to Avoid Setbacks
11:40 Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst
12:23 Important Next Steps!

@Life411 is evolving from cars and my hip journey to winning strategies for the game of life on topics including Family, Finance, Health, etc. Here's the Bottom Line that shaped our lives:
✅We cannot change our past. We can only learn from it.
✅Happiness is not a function of money or social status. It is a function of family, friends and spirituality.
✅Great things are accomplished because we didn't know how hard they would be when we began.
✅Every person has the ability to improve the life of someone else. Yup, that's why I'm doing this!

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