Beginning a Deeper Prayer Life with Saint Teresa of Avila - Prayer of Recollection - TOG EP 123

3 months ago

We're diving into Saint Teresa's fascinating treatise on prayer - The Interior Castle. As we wrap up the First Mansions chapters 1 and 2, we take a slight but necessary detour into Saint Teresa's other books, Life and Way of Perfection, to identify a method of prayer she calls recollection. The soul must understand and implement the prayer of recollection to progress from the First Mansions into the Second Mansions.

00:00:00 Show Intro - Growing in Prayer to the Second Mansions
00:01:56 Recap on Prayer in the First Mansions
00:03:30 Prayer Life in the Second Mansions
00:06:55 Saint Teresa refers back to her earlier writings in Life and Way
00:09:43 What is the ascetical prayer of recollection?
00:21:08 Implementing the prayer of recollection
00:27:24 Spiritual Exercises I. Where’s Jesus?
00:31:10 Spiritual Exercises II. Meeting Jesus at the Fountain
00:35:40 Spiritual Exercises III. Meeting Jesus at the Breakroom Watercooler
00:37:51 Teresan Recollection Comments and Review
00:48:09 Conclusion

Beginning a Deeper Prayer Life with Saint Teresa of Avila - Prayer of Recollection - TOG EP 123

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