Learn Real Law and Get Free From the Matrix the Feminine Way with Brandon Joe Williams

6 months ago

Welcome to one of the most important episodes I’ve ever dropped on Fire and Soul.

Brandon Joe Williams, founder of The Amnesty Coalition, an insightful legal mind, advocate for freedom, and overall force for good, joins us to share an introduction on attaining true freedom and prosperity by decoding conventional legal systems.

In this episode Brandon tells us:

* How the 14th Amendment is running America

* What our birth certificate really is

* What "United States" really means

* How to legally not be liable for taxes

* How to exit the corrupt US Corporation and so much more

I came across Brandon on one of my fave podcasts six months ago where he was talking about common law and how to legally escape the free-range debt-slave matrix.

I was shocked at how deeply my soul felt activated by the content but if you really think about it, we ALL know something’s not right but have no clue what to do about it… perhaps until now.

My response to this info felt like a remembrance of my divine rights. I knew I was destined to dive in and share it with you so that as many of us who choose to reclaim our power, can do so together.

That said, I also got scared. The energetics around the 14th Amendment and Naturalization Act, what it actually means, and how we’ve been enslaved since 1871, felt heavy and dark. The profound programming of fear was real and felt in my body…

There had to be a softer, more feminine approach to embarking on this path of sovereignty. That studying, implementing, and embodying real law and taking the necessary actions to get free was no different than embracing shadow work and safe for me to feel.

Many of us have been doing the deep inner work the past four years and cultivated the spiritual strength to face anything on our path, including this...

I offer that to you because the Fire and Soul show attracts incredibly bright and brave women on the path of awakening...

And as we continue to peel back the layers of mind control and manipulation, my prayer is that we rise in courage and stand firm in the embodiment of our power on the journey of reclaiming our collective divine destiny.

This one will be mind blowing so take it slow. Know that many of the most common questions such as, How could this be true? If it were true, why aren't more people doing this? Is this lawful? Is it really legal? All of those questions get answered plus it's a ton of fun.

Let’s journey, soul fam!

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