Victim of migrant attack lectured by police over ‘offensive language’

10 days ago

Remember when police in the UK used to do mad stuff like catching criminals and solving crimes? Those were the days. Modern officers, it seems, are only interested in stopping people saying mean words.

Case in point: a woman in London, who reported an alleged assault to the police, after she was reportedly spat at by a migrant. Never let it be said that the Met Police miss the chance to bully an easy target, so instead of investigating the alleged assault, the three officers present instead decided to take the woman to task for calling her attacker a ‘filthy migrant.’

‘We have a duty to challenge that language,’ says one officer. ‘You’re saying the two things together [‘filthy’ and ‘migrant’], and that’s offensive, isn’t it?’ says another.

It’s unclear whether the original attacker was ever apprehended, or whether the woman who made the complaint was thrown in jail for wrongthink, but at least we can all rest safe in the knowledge that the attacker won’t have his feelings hurt.

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