How to Find the Right Bible When There Are So Many English Bibles with Tim Wildsmith

5 months ago

In this episode, Tim Wildsmith shares with us how he came to faith in Jesus and how he got interested in exploring the world of English Bible versions. He helps us understand what it means that there are different “kinds” of Bibles and assures us of the reliability of the Bible. Tim suggests how someone could go about choosing a Bible from the many options available to us in English. You’ll get to hear about Tim’s new book, Bible Translations for Everyone, coming out in November. His book acts as a tour guide, walking you through the history of Bible translation, holding your interest, clarifying how we got the many versions of the Bible we have today, and helping you understand how the most common English translations differ from one another.

Is the Bible God’s Word:
Learn More About Tim Wildsmith:
Tim’s YouTube Channel:

NEW BOOK !!! Bible Translations for Everyone:

On the Podcast we briefly introduce you to gifted people who can help you grow in your faith. At we believe the Bible is God’s Word, and that Jesus is the hope you are looking for. There are tons of awesome people who believe this too, people from every walk of life. We hope these conversations motivate you to pick up the Bible, and to trust Jesus more deeply.  
It’s okay if you don’t identify as religious, haven’t read the Bible before, or grown up in  church. exists to help answer your questions about the Bible and inspire you  to read the Bible for the first or five-hundredth time.  
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Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard:

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis:

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