Haunted Halls: White Hill Mansion

6 months ago

The White Hill Mansion, now owned by the town of Fieldsborough New Jersey, features an original 1700s American farmhouse, its Victorian additions as well as a modern dining room addition in the back. The scene of drama and death during the Revolutionary War and Prohibition Era, White Hill Mansion sits on a bluff overlooking the Delaware River. The mansion is currently open for ghost tours, which may seem like a bad idea due to the history of the home which includes a very active prohibition period.

White Hill was built in the 1720s by the Field family, who would lend their name to the #NewJersey town of #Fieldsborough White Hill Mansion was built on a bluff overlooking the #DelawareRiver rich with iron rich clay deposits which were used by the #LenniLenape to make clay bowls. The ceramic history of New Jersey continues throughout the lifetime of #WhiteHillMansion


Friends of White Hill Mansion, https://www.whitehillmansion.org/haunts

WikiTree, "Robert Field", https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Field-1780

#UniversityofDenver Magazine, "New Korbel center", https://magazine-archive.du.edu/academics-research/new-korbel-center-dedicated-public-opinion-research/

Haunted Road, "The Bathtub is full of blood", https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-haunted-road-84259372/episode/that-bathtub-is-full-of-blood-114810467/

#WhiteHillMansion , https://www.whitehillmansion.org/

Revolutionary NJ, https://revolutionarynj.org/sites/white-hill-mansion/

#whitehill #hauntedwhitehillmansion #fieldsboro #fieldsborohistory #hauntednj #newjerseyhistory #boardwalkempire #boardwalkempireepisode #boardwalkempiredocumentary #prohibition #newjerseyprohibition #revolutionarywar #tuckercarlson #martyrmade #charleswilsonpeale #marypealefield #robertfield #robertfieldiii #delawareriverdrown #hauntedrevolutionarywar #battleoftrenton #1776 #washingtoncrossingdelaware #mayer #bruce #brucetypeset #archibaldcrossley #crossley #newjerseybordello #bordello #glenk #glenkrestaurant #hauntedhall

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