Criminal Corruption of the Law Society of Alberta

6 months ago

The Law Society of Alberta has opened up Epstein Island where they hire crooked goons expelled from Calgary Police Services like to get women raped, physically assaulted and mauled, then he plants his buddies who pose as 'clients' into their practice, to harass and assail them. Then they discredit Dook's victims' testimonies before tcriminal trials, after receiving bribes from the accused's, by using mad quacks like Dr. Cynthia Baxter, Patrick Baillie, (Dook's buddies in crime. Here Nicholas Maggisano, Manager Conduct, has several police complaints against him and they inducted Tina Mckay, to bury criminal complaints against Goodwin McKay, a non-existent firm, still marked as open, with blessings, in order to hoodwink the public. Tina Mckay commenced intimate relations within a few days of her joining Sean Goodwin as a staff at Goodwin Mckay. SEAN GOODWIN WAS A MARRIED MAN THEN. All the adultery could not save Goodwin McKay's many crimes. So the Law Society of Alberta hired Tina Mckay to bury and erase all records incriminating the adulterous pair. They have also hired John Dooks of Is this a 'Law' Society of Alberta or a Sex Crime Society of Alberta, committing fraud on the public and civilized society? #lawsocietyofalberta #alberta #canada

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