Covid injections cure? NICOTINE!! (Dr. Brian Ardis-Thought Finders) 6-09-24

4 months ago

Dr. Bryan Ardis & David Nino Rodriguez: Breaking! Exposing the Vaccine Agenda - Cancer & COVID Therapy Revealed in This Podcast

You might be thinking it's just our tyrannical rulers here in the UK raging a new war against NICOTINE!


Australia, the USA, and many other countries are currently discussing and enacting similar legislation as we speak.

Ask yourselves why, and why now?

Do we really believe these countries, all independent of each other, all around the same time with no coordination happen to place NICOTINE at the top of the legislative AGENDA because smoking is such a TOP threat?

Or, is there something a little more sinister going on?

Well, Dr. Brian Ardis certainly thinks so, and what he's discovered is truly twisted. You need to have a listen! 👇👇

#Covid19Vaccine #SankeVenomPeptides
#Nicotine #TurboCancers

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