5 Simple Steps to Supercharge Your Gut Bacteria and Microbiome

6 months ago

In this video you learn the 5 Essential Steps to Nurture Good Gut Bacteria!

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Are you dealing with gut issues like constipation, IBS, or candida, possibly stemming from antibiotic use that has affected your microbiome? This video unveils a holistic approach to reclaiming your gut health, steering clear of common misconceptions.

The 1-Week GUT HEALING CHALLENGE 🥦 Start healing your gut troubles in one week with food

// V I D E O S to watch next

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// S U M M A R Y

Step 1: Probiotics Are Not the Answer!
Learn why probiotics aren't the ultimate solution. They might aid digestion temporarily but fall short of nurturing your microbiome effectively, especially long-term.

Step 2: Prepare Your Gut Environment
Rather than a battle against every pathogenic element, create an environment where friendly bacteria thrives. Kickstart with Celery Juice to cleanse and fortify your intestines and stomach. Access additional gut-healing hacks with our free Gut Healing Cheat Sheet.

Step 3: Ditch the Junk
Say goodbye to packaged foods, ultra-processed supermarket finds, fried foods, and even vinegar. These additives are detrimental to your healthy gut bacteria, causing irritation to the stomach and gut lining.

Step 4: Eat to Feed the Good Guys
Unlock the secret microbiome booster—elevated biotics through fresh raw sprouts like alfalfa, sunflower, lentil, and broccoli. Supplement this with prebiotics found in alive, fresh fruits, and veggies. Kickstart your gut healing journey with a 1-Week Gut Healing Challenge, emphasizing a mix of plant-based raw and cooked foods.

Step 5: Protect Your Gut
Recognize the external factors that threaten your gut health. Stress, whether emotional or from overmedication, can be detrimental. Incorporate gentle movements like walks in nature or yoga into your daily routine, making it a habit, not just a weekend treat. Additionally, assess your alcohol intake and explore alternative medicine options if you suspect overmedication.

Unlock the path to optimal gut health by following these five fundamental steps. Your journey to nurturing good gut bacteria starts now!
// P L A Y L I S T S

▸ 🌿 Detoxing made SIMPLE & SAFE! | https://bit.ly/2CF5kp1
▸ 🍌 Acid Reflux, Constipation & Bloating | https://bit.ly/2VdWsuR
▸ 🍀 Goodbye Seasonal Allergies | https://bit.ly/2RfsgOQ
▸ ⭐ Best Supplements for Gut Healing | https://bit.ly/2y6yEQK
▸ 🍏 SIBO - How to heal fast | https://bit.ly/2OmW8qQ


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// D I S C L A I M E R

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by Peggy Schirmer / Gut Feelings, are published for educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. Please consult a physician or other healthcare practitioner for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.

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