Palestinian Authority Gives Military Funeral To American Peace Activist

6 months ago

Posted • September 10, 2024: Rep. Rashida Tlaib finally showed an interest in an American killed in Gaza when Turkish-American Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was reportedly shot by IDF forces after she had entered a restricted area in the West Bank with a mob of other pro-Palestinian protestors. She and the others were throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers to protest Israeli settlements in the region before she was shot in the head and killed. Reports are that Eygi was embedded with a group of Arab men who were in a firefight with IDF forces. Tlaib never posted or spoke of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an American hostage who'd been executed by Hamas just as the IDF was closing in to rescue him, but she posted or reposted multiple times about Eygi: -- Eygi's body will be flown to Turkey for burial, but before then, the Palestinian Authority held a military funeral for her.

An "activist" being given a military ceremony? 🤔 Got to love the doublethink on display here. They don't even try to hide or deny that this "activist" was a military asset. -- She was military and she attacked Israeli soldiers. Why are Palestinians and their sympathizers so stupid? Why is a civilian "activist" getting a military funeral… almost as if they're acknowledging she was a military asset. That's quite a show for an American peace activist who chose to travel to a war zone. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Palestinian Authority Gives Military Funeral to American Peace Activist

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