3D IDAHO4 MODEL Black and white

3 months ago

This animation model Still does not belong to Azget.

Please understand i'm only reposting because I have a shithead stalker. I had three of them before, I met her as well.

As they will continue to dread up some bullshit lies, it always has been lies.

But welcome to social media. Because if content creators don't like you, they will do what they can to tear you down. That's why I call them stalkers.

Heron rumble is the very first time I ever stood up for myself for real.

Thanks to Hannah and Forest for helping me with their mother situation. At least I was able to show the individuals that believed her lies the truth about her.

What if you notice? She's trying to post other people slander in order to revenge against me.

She's all about revenge.
I'm quite certain you know.

O and if you like my work, I would like to help support my channel and more of this content.




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