Can you use a Thermal Rifle Scope on an Airgun?

5 months ago

Can you use a Thermal Rifle Scope on an Airgun? Answer, YES and NO. Here we sight in (by a very steady hand) the Zentron Outdoor Zen Q635 Thermal rifle scope on a low power (15J) pistol. This scope is intended for use ONLY on a Firearm and should NOT be used on a "springer" type, ie piston powered airgun due to the strong shockwave. After 3 months solid use on a 0.243 rifle, the Zen Q635 is still performing very well. We now wanted to see can this scope be used on a low powered airgun for night time hunting of small game. The answer is at the end of the video!

The Zen Q635 is so sensitive to an IR signature, we could use just the heat left by our forefinger on the bullseye to reliably sight in this scope (here at 25m but easily out to 100m, without the use of a heating pad!).

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