PROOF! "These planes were NOT hijacked on 9/11, we have the evidence" | Redacted w Clayton Morris

6 months ago

WOW, Proof they were using remote control to fly the planes into the towers...

Just about Everything we've been told about the 9/11 attacks has been a lie. One of the biggest lies is that a group of muslims, with almost no flying experience somehow hijacked four airliners and flew two of them into the twin towers, one into the Pentagon and one into a field in western PA. We know now that didn't happen.

Captain Dan Hanley is a former 25-year United Airlines pilot and a 10-year US naval aviator before that... he served as director and international public spokesperson for the global grassroots effort called 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers. Captain Dan is revealing what actually happened on that day with those aircraft.

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