SHUV SHOW “Why is Stoning the form of Capital Punishment in the Bible?” Christene Jackman

5 months ago

“Why is Stoning the form of Capital Punishment in the Bible?”
Christene Jackman ©9.9.2024

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman. Shuv, S.H.U.V. is a Biblical Hebrew word meaning, “to return, to turn back,” i.e., to come back to walking in God’s Holy Ways, His commandments, the Terms of the Everlasting Blood Covenant . . .
On to tonight’s topic:
Did you ever wonder why the mode of capital punishment commanded by God in Scripture is stoning? Why stones? Why not other methods?
Here is an example of a commandment . . . "

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