Article 5005 Video - International Public Notice: Red Herrings Swimming Upstream By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 5005 Video - International Public Notice: Red Herrings Swimming Upstream - Monday, September 9, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

A recent rash of purportedly "patriot" writers have been spawning Red Herring explanations for the current circumstance.

Like the claim that all this corruption began with the Act of 1871 ---which was repealed in 1874.

Like the claim that the Government of the District of Columbia was ever anything but a foreign Municipal Corporation right from the start -- it wasn't. Look it up for yourselves.

Like the claim that the City of Washington, DC, was replaced by the Municipality of Washington, DC. Find proof of that. We double-dog-dare you. These entities co-exist.

Like the claim that The Constitution for the united States of America (the first Federal Constitution issued in 1787) was replaced by THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. It wasn't.

The 1787 Constitution has been dormant and the American Federal Republic it created and governed has been vacant since 1861.

Like the claim that the Constitutions replaced The Articles of Confederation. They didn't. The Articles of Confederation went dormant once the members of the Confederation walked out and deprived it of a quorum to conduct business--- which also happened in April of 1861.

Like the claim that the Federal Reserve Act applies to us. It doesn't. We were entrapped and ensnared in it, because we had to deal with and exchange goods and services with the Federal Government Employees who reside among us. They are the ones who were targeted by this legal tender legislation ----that technically never applied to us.

Like the claim that the Sixteenth Amendment (Internal Revenue) to the Corporate Constitution applies to us. It doesn't. It applies to federal franchise corporations named after British Territorial Persons who just happen to be named after us, all of which we were never told about and never knowingly agreed to.

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