"Overturning the Establishment", (Mark 2:18-3:6), 2024-09-08, Longbranch Community Church

6 months ago

Join in as Pastor John Day of Longbranch Community Church makes a not-so-subtle, and yet profound observation in this sermon titled “Overturning the Establishment” which was taken from Mark 2:18 – 3:6. In this sermon John explains the how’s and why’s of legalism’s devastating effect.

Bottom Line: Mercy needs to be at the heart of what we think, feel and do – or we will completely miss the heart of God. The Sabbath was made for man’s benefit, not man for the Sabbath. Rules are made for people – not people for the rules. Even with the best of intent, when we add to the rules of God, Pharisaical legalism tends to be the result, which clearly runs counter to everything Jesus came for.

*For those in a hurry, today’s exemplary message starts at the 20minute / 20second mark.

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