💥 Building an intellectual community for the politically homeless | Anna Gát | The Reason Interview

6 months ago

The founder of Interintellect, a global online community for intellectual salons, advocates for a truly free and self-moderating market of ideas in the age of political polarization.

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0:00- Introduction
1:29- Interintellect : a public marketplace for intellectual salons
3:31- Gát’s background & vision
14:05- Interintellect’s scope of events
19:05- A perpetual festival with multiple paths for participation
23:38- Ad: Bank On Yourself
25:30- An apolitical self-moderating cultural community
27:52- Interintellect’s global reach
31:39- "The Hope Axis" podcast
37:07- Why is 'doomerism' so appealing to millennials?
42:32- Using the hope axis to defeat “no way out” mentality
45:55- Gát’s intellectual heroes


If you ever wanted to live in a world of endlessly fascinating conversations about the arts, science, and philosophy, you're going to love today's guest—Anna Gát. She's the person behind a membership platform called Interintellect, which hosts hundreds of online salons a year. While some of them feature superstars like Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, relationship guru Esther Perel, and economist Tyler Cowen, all of the salons are built around civil yet engaging discussions on interesting cultural ideas.

Interintellect's stated ambition is to reinvent French salon culture for the 21st century, and the platform is increasingly hosting in-person events too. Reason's Nick Gillespie talks with Gát about why she started Interintellect, how it grew to have tens of thousands of participants all over the world, and how her new podcast, The Hope Axis, fits into her vision of a future marked by optimism (guests on the podcast have included economist Noah Smith, online-culture analyst Katherine Dee, and Quillette founder Claire Lehmann). They also talk about how her early years in post-communist Hungary shaped her worldview and ambitions.

#podcast #interview #culture


Title: 💥 Building an intellectual community for the politically homeless | Anna Gát | The Reason Interview
Creator: " ReasonTV "
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sShpluERv88
License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)


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