Dogs Sniffing Crotches, Begging ALL The Time & Scratching The Door To Be Let In — 020: Q&A

5 months ago

If your dog…
-❌ Sniffs your friends/guests/strangers crotch when greeting
-🤤 Begs for food when you eat
-😤 Scratches at the door to be let in

Then you’ll want to listen to this! Welcome to the Who Let The Dogs Out Podcast! 🐶 Corey & Sally break all these topics down and how to fix them & more on this Q&A episode.

If you’re interested in fixing these behaviors and learning the solutions, then you’ll want to listen to the end as Sally and Corey talk you through it! ✅

Also, thank you to ALL our listeners/viewers. We crossed over 100 subscribers/followers across all platforms! THANK YOU!

This episode is also a big milestone. We just put out episode 20! There are 10’s of millions of podcasts and less than 1% of them make it past episode 20. Which means we’re now a top 1% podcast by episodes we’ve put out! Thanks for watching and listening!

(To have your 🐶 training & dog related questions answered on the show, send them to

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See you next week! 🐶

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