Stellaroseallday is getting cancelled she stop dumb post already isn't it go no where 9/924

4 months ago

What Karen fat dimples face when let's go cussed to obesssed with has for lmg Aaron carter fans am not sure fans of Aaron carter but you need step from these woman has possible she taking ship along with you remember Stella rose has been playing guys from start she here make money a fake 🤥 book yes atm Richie blabber mouth that lied the whole thing to get famous it was false he didn't aaron carter one did you are eating he did is sad these fans follow the leader Aaron carter will disapprove with everything what you are doing is won't end bride said on her community there justice for aaron carter but he be applaud well least Katie Katherine Wallace was smart she knew difference about lady her scamming or lying 🤥 but catch to white karen dimples face am pretty sure of it that caught will lies she end up in psych ward or in federal prison or mental hospital 🏥

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