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FlyOver Conservatives - Jezebel - Civil War - Next Four Years - Prophetic Report-Stacy Whited Captions
Here’s a summary of the prophetic messages and discussions from the videos and resources mentioned in the show:
Kim Clement (July 31, 2024, April 2, 2005, August 29, 2009) – Kim Clement delivers prophetic words in three separate messages, highlighting themes of divine intervention, spiritual warfare, and the rise of leaders with a God-ordained mandate to overcome evil forces. His messages speak about shifts in political landscapes, the fall of corrupt powers, and the fulfillment of divine promises in the near future. The video from 0:00-6:35 captures key moments of Clement's prophecy, focusing on the dynamics of global leadership and spiritual awakening.
Joseph Z (August 2024) – From 3:44 to 21:19, Joseph Z provides a prophetic update, expressing belief in God’s plan to expose deception and bring about justice. He discusses the spiritual battle involving political and cultural systems, urging believers to stay in faith and pray for the nation's restoration. Joseph warns of challenging times but reassures viewers that divine judgment is coming against the wicked.
Amanda Grace (July 30, 2024) – In this message, Amanda Grace draws parallels between the biblical figures of Ahab, Jezebel, and Jehu and current global leaders. She emphasizes the importance of standing against manipulation and control, as these figures represent rebellion against God’s authority. Amanda shares that just as Jehu was anointed to bring down Ahab and Jezebel, similar figures will rise today to dismantle corrupt systems.
Robin D. Bullock (August 1, 2024) – In his segment on Elijah Streams (1:11:58-1:20:26), Robin Bullock discusses spiritual warfare and the role of prophetic voices in this era. He talks about the clash between good and evil, referencing biblical events and prophecies that apply to the present day. Bullock encourages the body of Christ to stand firm, as God's intervention is imminent, with a focus on revival and the exposure of hidden corruption.
Julie Green (August 4, 2024) – Julie Green's prophetic word, given on August 4 and delivered on August 6, 2024, between 20:33-28:27, touches on God’s intention to bring about dramatic changes. She speaks of a great shaking that will impact various institutions, including government and media. Green emphasizes the importance of faith and trusting in God's promises during this period of transformation, with warnings for those standing in opposition to God's will.
Each of these segments reflects a unified theme of divine justice, spiritual warfare, and the need for believers to stand strong in faith as the world experiences a season of profound changes.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video was posted on 08-07-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
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Alright, are you guys ready? What are the prophets saying? I'm so excited to get in today's show because you're not going to believe how these things again always fit together. God is so cool how the prophets are speaking and God is just taking these pieces of this puzzle and putting them together. In fact, at the end, you're going to hear two prophets together talking and sharing prophetically what they're seeing and then the other one's like, oh my gosh, this is what God showed me and these puzzle pieces are coming together. First one I want to bring up is Kim Clement and here's three different dates here July the 31st, 2, 000 twenty-fourApril the 2nd 2020 or 2005 sorry July the 31st 2004 not twenty-four2004, April the 2nd 2005 and August the 29th 2000 9 one thing I want to highlight is when there's there's going to be an assassination attempt it said so we've already seen that Happenin with President Trump. But then in the middle of that the Lord says look to your Vice President which is really interesting because we saw how Biden stepped down from running and then Kamala stepped up. So we're going to hear more about that in today's show. So listen for that as the prophetic word because you're going to actually see it on the screen. You can read it. So it talks about the assassination attempt and then it says look to your vice president. Check this out. Spirit of the Lord says there shall be one assassination attempt. It shall endeavour to destroy the plans that I have for this nation. To your vice president. The spirit of the lord says tonight, There are major forces of darkness that have endeavored. To bring to nothing this nation. But yet I will supply. A very special weapon to this nation. And it shall have the ability to see activities of the enemies in a very peculiar manner. This night is a Saturday night. The spirit of Lord says I require that my people stand in agreement with the prophet. As he prophesies resurrection to America. Come on. And some would say what about the gatekeeper of this nation? What about him? Says the Lord and took the mantle of Ronald Reagan so that this nation may experience great revival great breakthrough great great great great breakthrough says the Lord But truly there shall be one that shall attempt to lead three others to his side. To kill and to take out. But am I with you tonight says the Lord where my warriors will stop an assassination because your prayers will make the difference says the Lord God. Come on. I will prophesy. I will. Powers of hell shall not stop thy voice. Go You will not stop me. Come on. For yet shall I say his words. Tonight the spirit of God says I looked to my people. I look to the warriors of the city to cover the prophets. And in the White House you have a prophet says the Lord. A man that shall call into being things that are not existing yet. Why? Because he is not just a president. He is a shepherd and a prophet that shall deal with the eastern powers shall deal with the eastern Gods and Babylon the great shall fall Come on. The Daniels that have prayed shall stand before the kings of the east the spirit of God said no your president shall live because I called him to look for the fire and to look for the cloud in this nation I called him to lead many that are in obscurity into the light and into the truth maybe you do not agree that God said agree with one thing. Jesus Christ is savior and lord and I shall raise up a move of my spirit in this nation as never before. God said beginning the month of May. There shall be one death and another death but God said then ten others shall be raised up throughout the earth who shall be prophets to this nation says the lord. Come on God says, I am giving you what you need tonight. I'm breaking the power of death over the righteous ones. Come on. And God said you are opening up a door in the heavens hear me not only this state but hear me this nation the three enemies that are inside will endeavor to assassinate will endeavor to cripple and will endeavor to steal via the taxes of the people but there is a there is a wicked system that is being concocted that is being put to of to take from your hand what is unnecessary I will cripple it says the lord And I will take lawmakers from the Midwest. Lawmakers from the Northeast for what has happened to the Kennedy says the spirit of God was spoken of. Now I will join hands between Democrats and Republicans that do an unusual thing says the spirit of God. Come on. They will say what they try to increase now, they are decreasing. And God says it shall be a sign. But even now that the Kennedy's have come to this place. I spoke about it. That there would be a massive outbreaking and outpouring. In the system in this nation. The political system. The three enemies that shall rise up and already on their way. I will take them. I will set them pushments against them. They will compound themselves and this nation shall rise above the occasion and come to oneness with God. Says the Lord. Come on. Okay, those three enemies, that's really interesting. Two different dates, two different prophetic words there. One, April the second 2thousand five, one August the twenty-ninth two thousand nine, both talking about three people and I want to take you back to the April 2nd 2005. The lord said through Kim, one person will lead three others to his side to kill and take out but the prayer warriors will stop it. So, again, we are called to pray. We are called to be brave and pray and use our voice. Wake up, speak up, and show up. We've got to use our voice and then I also want to go back to Kamala. So, look to your vice president. Obviously, that was in that prophetic word from July the 31st 2000 twenty-four. We're going to stay on Kamala for just a little while. I want to take you now to Joseph Z on July the 20th 2021 So July the 20th, 2021 God shared a prophetic word through Joseph about Kamala Harris and then July the 26th 2000twenty-four we're going to be hearing more about Kamala as well as the Jezebel spirit. Check this out. Believe that Kamala I believe she's going to get into office in the highest office of the land. When I had a vision of her face appear and disappear about a year ago now over a year ago. I saw her face appear and disappear and I saw that happening and I thought lord what does this mean and the intention of the kingdom of darkness is to put that woman into office and the intention in her mind and her heart is to get into office I do believe that could stumble and not happen I believe that we could pray and see that not happen the spirit of the lord is giving us one more round I know it but it's going to take collision now I have a prophetic auction that there's a lot of wicked malfeasance they're about to pull And so if I could, let's pull up this this clip here and I'll I'll ask you to air it. We'll pull it up. I'm going to show you over on the monitor in a moment. Back in 2020, we'll start at the beginning of the clip. Back in 2020, I had a prophetic word. One day, I got up early as I was praying to do this and I've been doing this for many years by the way, these live broadcasts because the lord told me to. I'm here for you. Yeah. And as I got up to do it, I began to have a vision and that was in the last cycle where we pick our leaders. I got up and I began to pray and as I did, I saw Kamala's face and then I saw forty-five face. Her face got stronger, his got more faded, and I realized she was going to be the VP and so I referenced that a little bit here. I have a whole different clip where I talk about that but all the way back in twenty twenty, I saw that she would be VP and then the lord showed me that there would be a scenario where she potentially could replace the Mencharian and I believe that this word I'm giving here is now coming to fruition. Now, will it be her? We'll we'll see. Um he could be announcing this. There could be a lot more to it even with with what's happening but I just want to show you what I saw and I want to work through it because I have a sense about this, okay? And let's stick to the spiritual side of it but I'm going to show you this first and then I'm going to comment. So, let me give you this quick clip from twenty 20, August 12, 20, twenty four years ago. I prophesied about her both getting in as VP and then what the future would hold for her. Let's watch this clip. Let's look on the screen. Let's watch it together. Praying. All of a sudden, I had an encounter where there was a vision or a day vision and that's when your eyes are open, you're looking at something and and suddenly something may appear to you. Maybe the eyes of your heart. In this scenario, I couldn't tell if I was seeing it with my eyes or with my heart but it was it was in the space I was in, I saw Kamala Harris's face appear and as it appeared, the lord said, begin to pray, take note of this, and watch this this woman basically with what's happening. I said, okay God, what does this mean? And I believe it came down to a circumstance that basically unfolded like this. That if she did not take the vice presidency nomination or come in Under that potential running mate scenario that it was going to be really bad or or she thought it was going to be a really bad election and she was going to go forward and maybe pursue the attorney general position over the next few years or whatever she could do and two years election cycle whatever she would try to get into she would seek out another office that would give her a direct line so to speak to the throne they knew they had it and so in this picture I believe that this is what happened the lord begin to show me if she was not nominated that she would indeed it it meant that the party was looking at it that it would be an easier victory for Trump and it would be more difficult for them so she thought she would just go around circumvent the scenario and try again in two-4 years okay or four to 8 years even but in this picture the lord showed me that if she did indeed become the running mate that it would become a challenging picture for the president and they believe that they have a better chance of winning and so that's what the lord began to speak to me and show me but I believe that she is somebody that's being propped up and put in a place where she could go forward and become president. They believed. Pause it here for a second. So this is of course after I saw the faces and I saw her prominent. I saw forty-five kind of fade out of the picture and the Lord showed me an additional thing and I just said it. The spirit of the Lord prophesied to us that if indeed they felt they could take this and win. Seize the day. That she would she would fully go in as VP and go for this and I think it's because they knew the deal was done ahead of time so they did that and now I go into more of what I think is taking place here so let me allow this to be played and I'll share with you on this point and then I have more to give you this can be important watch this part if she did not do the VP nomination I believe the lord showed me that they believed it would be a Republican win or their their their chances of winning were were not going to happen. So, she would not be VP. No VP nomination. This is after us 45 minutes. If she did indeed take the VP nomination, they believe they can win. Now, I'm just writing this here because this is what I began to see. I believe number one that if Kamala Harris is indeed elected as VP with Joe Biden these things happen. I think that Joe Biden could be you know removed. Okay. We stopped it there but let me say this. I believe that's where we're going. This is something that you know we we've been saying before the last cycle happened. This is what was going to happen. I gave a prophetic word that on the the the the eye for the eye of the public that forty-five would not win. You know I think you know something else happened here. Um but then in addition to this they are setting it up this way that he this guy here the Mentorian is going to be removed and I believe that is why there was that early debate that is why those things happen now we see a lot of things right now in the news right in front of our eyes right now and there's still yet no matter what all these announcements are now we're still going to see more of this rumbling and there's more shoes that are going to drop here but we gotta be praying through this but here's the real point I'm getting at the real point I'm getting at is we are dealing with a spirit of Jezebel that is what I'm talking about with this picture that is what they're trying to bring forward now let me look right at you It's a spirit of witchcraft trying to get into the highest office of the land and it's been buying its time and waiting. So, let me go over here and begin to show you what I'm seeing. I'm going to go over to the board. I think I got this mic on so here we go. Okay, I'm at the vision board. I'm going to draw something here. This is really important and it involves the spirit of Jezebel. I'm going to show you what I'm seeing in the spirit where this is going. Please pray with me. Pray for me as I'm releasing this and Ally will be praying with you in a moment here but I believe the lord is going to talk to you as something very powerful is going to break loose. I feel a prophetic responsibility to stop this onslaught against our nation and against what's going on. It's the reason the lord said to me, come up higher. Come up here. In Revelation chapter four verse one and I went to the top of Pike's Peak and God had me there and I begin to recognize some things. So let's do this. So I see this happening. I see this taking place. There is a major momentum on this spirit right now. And a lot of people are falling for it saying, no, no, no, no. Darkness doesn't know what it's doing. It's all good in the hood. Well, here's what it's after. Here's what the spirit of Jezebel is running after. Like it's got its sights on. It has its sights on the USA and look I know there's negatives about the nation I'm not saying that it's perfect and all that but I gotta tell you God's hand is on this nation for a purpose in this generation okay and every nation has a purpose from God and God loves all the nations I love all the nations but I feel responsibility in the lord saying something specifically about this right now if this goes down so many things are going to go down so I see this happening okay The I keep hearing the words, God shed his grace on you, on thee. Okay, I'm looking at this. So, we got this Jezebel weaponry coming right at this, okay? Just going right at this. It's taking a B line for it but here's what's happening right now. I see another thing coming to meet it. Intersect. It's intersecting this and this is where intercession must happen. And in this intersection, what I see here is indeed the spirit the anointing, the assignment, of Elijah. Very similar to John the Baptist. It's a reformation sphere but what's going to happen here is a massive, massive, massive collision. Okay, you're going to see collision. You're going to see a massive collision. You're going to see these things begin to collide and this is going to make no small stir over this next cycle. This is not just now in this this electoral process. There's so much more to it but you're going to begin to see this thing just begin to absolutely take off collide, it's going to happen, and what am I talking about? This is indeed right here, this collision is Mount Carmel and what is Mount Carmel? Mount Carmel is the USA right now. It is America. That's where the showdown is right now. And I believe God is going to answer with fire he's going to answer with fire because power from on high from the power of God from the very the very throne of God I gotta tell you God is the lion who is watching. And he is going to act during this time now. All the prayers, all the days and the sacrifices, all the things that people have prayed for, all the things that have come to pass and we were waiting on, God is going to answer. I'm telling you, he's going to answer with fire, okay? He's going to answer with this fire and it's going to come down from heaven so to speak and I see the spirit of the lord bringing a great awakening through these things. I see fire, flames, and it's going to empower the spirit of Elijah is going to come here to just collide with the spirit of Elijah. I see the spirit of the lord bringing this in a great capacity and it's going to begin to burn in the the remnant so to speak the red church. You're going to begin to see fire from God from the lion of God, the lion of the tribe of Judah. I had a vision where I saw the the lion watching the earth. These things beginning to happen where the lion was watching but the lion was not moving. Things were not taking place but I see this now and I see fire coming from the throne into his people and he's going to begin to bring a awakening, waves of awakening and Power. Hear me now. There's waves of awakening and power. I sense this by the spirit of the lord right now. I sense it by the spirit of the lord that this wicked agenda will not work and there's waves of awakening and the big word is going to be power. Why? Because God is answering by fire and it's going to take those who have stood during this whole time and you're going to see this charge, the spirit of Elijah. You're going to see it charge the prophetic. You're going to see it charge as the prophetic its right size and there's going to be a a five-fold power that comes up and just begins to strike this. It's going to strike it and it'll burst. I see collision coming, okay? So we're going into this cycle and I see the Lord shedding his grace on the United States. I see this time of mercy. I see so much of this happening and then we're going to begin to see this take the knee. Because that spirit that used to say we're going to take a knee when they sang for this nation. I hear the Lord saying no. Now you shall take a knee. And I declare as a free moral agent. Assigned to this nation. That God bless America. Land that I love. In the name of Jesus, I command darkness to take the knee. But I believe the lion is watching and his eyes are made of crystal. That's the vision I saw. The lion of the tribe of Judah watching and it's just a symbolic vision and the lord is releasing this power to charge this and this is where reformers will come and offset this hit. There's going to be shrapnel in the hit you're going to see shrapnel pieces of things hitting you know throughout this time there will be shrapnel from this strike shrapnel will go into everything you're going to see it you're going to see it hit so many that are going on the shrapnel will strike it will come out it will go into this but I want to say to you At the end of the day, even though there's shrapnel, or what the World War two guys are called Flack. This may do all this and it may cost us things and there may be casualties in this so to speak but the spirit of the lord is got another day that's going to begin to happen, another day and there's going to be a secret revival. That will go public. And it's going to be those that have been persuaded and they are going to cast her down. I see them casting her down. Jezebel's surrounded by eunuchs. Those that have been mutilated. By a wicked system, by her system but I see this happening. Will not be mocked. Whatever they sow so shall they reap now I know the book of Revelation Matthew twenty-four we're going to go into some very shaking and unsettling times and days but I want to say to you in the middle of it all we got one more round and those times are not set the lord reminded me of Matthew twenty-four I believe we can see a resurgence I believe we can see another round another generation where they see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living according to Psalm 2seven or Matthew twenty-four where it says pray that these things don't happen the things that are inevitably going to come in scripture we pray they don't happen in a season called winter it says pray that it doesn't happen in winter that your flight not take place in winter that it doesn't happen on a Sabbath the point I'm making is we can change the narrative and I believe God will seize the day and good will happen. Yes, good will happen. I wanted to highlight that part about he was talking about Kamala and then he went into the spirit of Jezebel is trying to get into the highest seat in the land, July the 8th of 2000 twenty-four. The lord said that through Joseph and he said, Jezebel's running into the USA like there's an inner section between Jezebel and the USA and then Elijah, the spirit, the anointing, the assignment of Elijah is going to come into that intersection and stop Jezebel from hitting the USA that Elijah's spirit that is prophets. That is the prophetic. Now, it might be specific prophets that are in our country but it is because Elijah was a prophet. So, the spirit, the anointing, the assignment of Elijah. So, we need to be praying about that and then one thing I just wanted to make sure you all notice because it's going to be brought up again we're going to be hearing more about Jezebel and the casting down of Jezebel by the eunuchs but I don't know if you I just want to make sure you guys saw that alphabets that's the people that have been attacked so much and their identity taken from them with the surgeries and all that that they're doing on the transgender all of that that's happening right now in the United States and across the world it's been addressed right now here in this prophetic word talking about the eunuchs are going to cast down Jezebel so turning on what they have like so highlighted so celebrated even with Easter and everything that we saw there with the resurrection of Jesus Christ what they saw there they were trying to do God is saying it's going to turn on them in Jesus name and Jezebel will take a knee yes victory in Jesus name I'm going to now take you to Amanda Grace now this is fun because last Wednesday when I was preparing for the prophetic report my sister sent me a reel by Amanda Grace about Ahab, Jezebel, and Jehu and we were going back and forth. What do you think this means? And we we got it down. We were like okay I think that's Biden that's Harris. That's Trump. We were kind of going through that and having a lot of fun. Well this week again it she sent it to me this week because on Elijah's streams Robin Bullock started talking about it. So I'm going to first LAU, the the one by Amanda Grace and then we'll come back and play the one on Elijah's Streams from Robin Bullock. Check this out. Hi everyone. In first and second kings we see the entire account of Ahab and Jezebel. Two of the most wicked rulers that ever ruled over Israel they had no problem with harming children, sacrificing children, doing horrific things unaliving people to take their land. And in that account if we remember Ahab falls first and there's an account with Jehoshaphat and Ahab where Micah a prophet of the Lord is called in to oppose Ahab's 400 prophets that are telling him God's going to give him the victory the God that he doesn't even serve and Ahab falls Jezebel lingers a little longer and takes over part of that rule and right after that we see Jehu arrive on the scene Jehu was an unlikely character because he didn't live the Godliest life but when he was a he was anointed to destroy the temple of Baal and the house of Ahab and Jezebel if you remember as well Jezebel had eunuchs around her men that couldn't reproduce she selected eunuchs to be around her and serve her but then those were the very ones that turned on her and threw her down we are watching a very similar account unfold right now with the leadership of this nation. So keep watch for that right now. Ahab fell first. Then Jezebel and Jehu arrived in the middle of it to tear down Baal and what had been built in Israel to Baal and to tear down that leadership of Ahab and Jezebel. Keep watch right now in this nation with this because this account is lining up. God bless. Wow. It's like a riddle. Amanda Grace looks so pretty in that reel but that that whole riddle with us like oh this is like really fun. What is God saying here and so obviously we just heard Jezebel. We just heard Eunuch. He just came back to circling the alphabet talking a little bit about that and what what's happened with the transgender Movement. I want to now take you to Robin Bullock because Robin Bullock's going to be like, alright, we're going to break down this riddle. It didn't have anything to do with Amanda Grace but it is the same subject of Ahab, Dezebel, and Jehu and this was on Elijah's streams on August the 1st 2000 twenty-four. It's so much fun. Check this out. Well, it's close. Yeah. How long will it take before the timeline is corrected again and start something else. Yeah, it's devastating to think about. See, see, that's what I'm getting at. Yeah. If if it, okay, the first Jehu didn't run over the war captain didn't run over Jezebel it took 14 years and we're still trying to get a run over and the spirit and the spirit yeah I'm talking about the spirit of Jezebel is got to be that's never been dealt with so Robin pointed out something to me the other day okay the first Jezebel Hillary is absolutely too old to do it again so Kamala took her place. And now there's a new Jehu that's going to have to run over in the campaign. Who's the new Jehu? Do we have who's the new Jehu? Trump. Oh I see. Okay. See Trump has to fulfill what was lost. Even though he's David. Yeah. You're dealing with all these things. So some some characters would be would play the part of two different they would have to. Because it never happened. Okay there's not nothing there's no president. No. Now now you understand. Satan recognizes and I'm just saying you. You know what I mean in general. But Satan is recognizing timelines and doors that swing open and it turns and moves and turn. Now if he has a plan and he has a cunning. And he's recognizing timelines and the church don't. Yeah. By and large the church ain't got a clue. Well most of most of the church including me till very recently have never connected to what you're saying today that the the he's in the story and he can't yeah. Trump is in the story. Hillary's in the story. Obama's in the story. And they can't get out unless the enemy comes in and steals it and and the way to bring it back is the enemy is the way it comes back. The enemy blows it and we're back on track. Well see here's the thing. They can get out of it. That's why I always say you better pray they don't Trump don't choose to stop. Yeah I see. See what I mean because nobody gets rid of choice. You always have a choice. Yeah. The thing is if you choose something, God can put somebody like in Mordecai and Esther's place. Yeah. He said, the lord, he said, the lord will raise up somebody from another place which was only a matter of days from that point or a month or however long it was but if the Satan steals it, there is replacement that anybody can see until another door opens Obama was standing on the throne of Satan until he refused to deal with Isis and when he refused to deal with that it was a timeline of Saul which brought David which brought hope which brought us back to the place and the prophets had to come on the scene to carry the oil to pour on David and on and on it went if he can get rid of David and he tried that in Butler. Yeah. If he could get rid of him we don't know what happens next see what if Pharaoh had to kill all the children of Israel at the Red Sea what if he could've killed them all at the Red Sea well the same thing the same thing would be what if he what if he what if he killed all of the babies in Bethlehem yeah what would have happened Jesus yeah yeah but what if Joseph hadn't got up and left town when the angel woke him up right what's devastating think about because the. You don't know. Yeah. And so here is here's the big what ifs. You know what if you hadn't done this program and chose to do it. Me and you wouldn't be sitting here having this conversation. What if I hadn't chose to do anything the Lord's told me to do? So here we are. Satan has got everything to a timeline again. There's one guy even from the mouth of Harari. They're false prophet, the dark prophet. Yeah. He said, if he's elected, it will be the kind of death blow, the kind of death blow to our world agenda. Yes, Lord. That is that's right. Well, the but he based it on one man. So there's only one answer get rid of that man yeah to change the timeline and he thinks to change it well there was prophecies given about Kamala way back in 1920 that I gave way back then where the lord told her in one prophecy said your horedoms won't work this time all your bed partners have found you undesirable and he start and then there was another prophecy said she would take and and her own agenda that don't include Joe Biden. This was years ago. Really? And now look at it. Well the Lord when something starts the Lord brings a prophetic word to end it before it starts. That's the word that's like what happened at the Tower of Babel. Babel. When he said Babel. It was a prophetic word. They could never do that tower anymore. Well this timeline Satan thinks to steal and change. He's got to get rid of Trump to do it. Now the the way people say well we can pray for Trump. Yes and you should. But the way you're going to get rid of it. And keep that third javelin from coming his direction. The church is the only entity. The government fears. Satan fears. All the spiritual wickedness. The four classes of spirit. They're all afraid of the church. They're scared of the church. The is going to have to speak. We're going to have to speak. That Trump is the guy. He is anointed. He's the one that should be the president. We're going to have to speak. Pastors are going to have to tell it from their pulpit. It's like are you another word? It almost sounds like you're saying they need to be not just believing it in their heart but decreeing it, decreeing it, decreeing it almost as if every prophet and all the young prophets and the old prophets. That's right. Known or unknown. Yeah. That means public or private. Yeah. You're going to have to start talking it. If every church rose up tomorrow in their pulpit on Sunday in their pulpit and said Donald Trump is anointed to be the president. Uh he's the one God has chosen to be president. Uh you ought to vote for him. He's the one anointed. Now you can't make people vote for somebody still. No. Right. You know you're not trying to force them what your opinion is that they should do. Very easily. Yeah and then that's nothing no harm with that. But if they get offended and want to leave Saint La Vie you know whatever. You know, it's like. Well, yeah. Well, see Satan is going to get afraid to try to throw that javelin the third time because they're scared of the church. Are we supposed to stop the javelin from being thrown or just pray that it'll miss. I'm not sure. I'm going to tell you this. Well, I think you ought to pray it misses. Okay. But also you need to go back and read the story. Well, Michael let David down by the wall. She she put a fake body in the bed. She let it down by the wall. I mean, she saved his life and and Jonathan saved his life and different ones. We have to get involved. We have to do what we do and the biggest thing the church has going for it is to be able to speak the word. Speak the truth. You are anointed. Land of the free because of the brave. We have to be brave. If you are a pastor, you are called to be brave right now. You have to use your voice. You you know, you may be thinking, oh I don't want to use my platform. Well, who gave you your platform? God gave you your platform to use it. Be obedient to what God is calling you to do. You have to use your voice. You have to wake up, you have to speak up, and you have to show up. You cannot be silent. It. It's so important. I wanted to highlight that part there just I want to make sure we didn't miss it. If you remember back when Hillary was running against President Trump and they kept saying talking about her being Jezebel. Well, that was just covered in this that Hillary was Jezebel but now she's too old and so now, Kamala Harris has stepped into that position of Jezebel and if you remember that there was a prophetic word from Kim Clement that said, the enemy will do everything he can to put a witch in the White House. The enemy is trying everything he can. He tried it with Hillary. It didn't work because there was a lot of prayer that was surrounding that and now we've got to pray again. We cannot allow a witch to come into the White House. We've got to wake up. We have to speak up. We have to show up. We have to use our voice. This is interesting because he was talking about Esther and Mordecai and we went to Esther again. So, we went last year at the Sight and Sound Theatre in Branson. There's two Sight and Sound Theatres. One's in Pennsylvania and one is in Missouri and we went last year to it. Typically, the shows at the Sight and Sound Theatre run one year This has been 2 years, two seasons of Esther and so I've, you know, wondered about that before and something that Avery brought up when we were there is she said, you know, it is for this time. There's no doubt about it. This story, we hear a lot about the story of Esther standing up for such a time as this. There it is. It's absolutely amazing. If you have not seen it at the Sight and Sound Theaters, highly recommended. It is outstanding but one thing that Avery was talking about was it for this time. It's a reminder and this is just continuing to play for people. You are born for such a time as this. Use your voice. Use your voice. Use your voice and if you don't use it, somebody else is going to step in. God's not going to allow this to fall but why not be the one that says, use me lord. Use me. I trust you. I have faith. Use me during this time. Okay, I want to go back to the church has to stand up and they have to speak up because the government fears and Satan fear the church. I'm going to now take you to a written word. So, I want to take you to The Prophetic Report. com under written words by Wanda Alger and this word came out on July the 26th 2000 twenty-fourand it's called that's the church's job. This was really important because we've had conversations about this David and I have after the RNC after the convention. We were talking about this and she really just attacks it but it's the church's job right now, our voices have got to be used. We've got to stand up. Pastors have got to speak and this is what she said. For those who have been grieved by the recent changes in the Republican Party platform now allowing some forms of abortion and same-sex marriage and concerned at the lack of clear biblical morality in politics, I hear a reality check from heaven. That's the church's job. In past years, we have right rightly prayed for political party to take a solid biblical stand concerning some core foundational issues. We have rightly called for the laws of our nation to reflect moral and sacred values. We have done well to demand our representatives listen to the people and not just their financial backers. And yet the Lord would have us step back from our frustration at the lack of morality and politics and take some ownership in the problem. We need to remember who ultimately responsible for providing direction in morals, values, and that which is sacred and true. That's the church's job. This is what I heard when considering the challenge before us. We may point fingers of blame at various politicians and even presidents both past and present but ultimately finger needs to point back to us, the church, the body of Christ, the Ecclesia. For it is not the laws of a nation will determine the morality of a people but the beliefs and convictions within the hearts and souls of its citizens and those beliefs and convictions can only become established when taught and proclaimed from America's pulpits. Without church leaders constantly preaching and teaching sound biblical values instead of giving compromised and self-serving Ted Talks from the stage, people will never find the truth. Without pastors being bold enough to address today's hot button issues from a strong biblical foundation, counterfeits and twisted lies will devour the next generation by default. Without leadership from these anointed and appointed pastors and teachers within the Ecclesia to guide and direct God's purpose for this nation, it is foolish to thank our government and those leading it will ever change. Go, said the Lord. This man is my chosen instrument to carry my people, my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. Acts 9fifteen. The message of the gospel is not just the salvation of souls but a referation of hearts and lives within cultures and people groups. The only entity that can cut through the clamor of culture and direct people to righteousness is the church. The ecclesia of God and yet the trend among woke pastors and celebrity ministers has been to avoid set such messages that may divide their following or tarnish their popularity. The result has been immorality being legislated from our courts and perversity celebrated within our institutions because of silence from the pulpits. Political agents are calling the shots and demanding submission from the masses. The church needs to not only wake up but step up. It's time to start preaching on the sanctity of life and God's original Design. It's time to give instruction in discerning party platforms and ideologies from a sound biblical worldview and empowering the people to be a voice to the culture. It's time to address perversity being promoted within schools and lawlessness being allowed on campuses and in the public square and it's time to take a stand on matters of purity and faith not from a religious spirit but with a zeal and passion from the heart of God. We should by now that no political party is going to steer us up towards holiness nor is any political candidate going to instruct us on biblical values because that's not their job. That's the church's job. Politics is not the problem. Politicians are merely the fruit of a culture fed on self indulgence, fleshly control, and earthly systems gone rogue. The true change agents of this nation will not come from any political platform but from the pulpits the righteous who dare challenge both doctrines of demons and strongholds of men but now revealed and made known through the writings of the prophets by the command of the eternal God in order to lead all nations to the obedience that comes from faith. Romans sixteen twenty-six. You know, this is really interesting. David and I back in twenty nineteen, 2018, 2020, 2021 before we started our Podcast and we had some extra time. Uh we did volunteering at a local pregnancy crisis center and we would call churches and we would help put together Bible or the bottles for baby bottle drives that they would take to churches and you would not believe the amount of churches that would not allow the Crisis Center to bring bottles in to raise money for saving babies because they didn't want to offend their congregation who had abortions. I was blown away. I was like, okay, so they had an abortion. Let's walk through the grieving process. Let's walk through that but not concerned of offending someone. Let's walk through the process of yeah, okay man, that was not a good decision that was bad. Let's walk through how do we grieve, how do we heal from this, not hide it, and not talk about it, and let Satan control that. It's just a really sad situation, not addressing same-sex marriage from the pulpit. Those are things that have been talked by Robin Bullock as well that the church has got to stand up. That is where we are at this time. We have to stand up and we have to support at least with the Republican Party that that is the the way that they are going support candidates that are coming from that not people that celebrate abortion and they're lighting up buildings and same-sex marriage so they are putting on the White House, red, white, or or the rainbow colors all over the the White House in celebration or taking Easter and making it something different. That is what's happening with Liberals and with the Democratic Party. At least with the Republican Party, we are not seeing that happen and so from a pulpit at least preaching, hey, the this is the platform of one party. This is the platform of another. This is what we believe in. You don't have to say vote for Donald Trump but you certainly it would be very important to say this this is what we believe in and this is the party that supports that. So important. We have to use our voice. I highly encourage you. If you're a pastor, use your voice. If you are part of a church and you have that relationship, go talk to your pastor. Share it with them. They have got to speak up. We can no longer be silent. It's so important. Alright, Imma take you now to Julie Green. So much in this as well but this one she received on August the fourth. She got two that day. Uh this is one of them. She was delivered on August the sixth two thousand twenty-four but it's called A Civil War is growing In Washington. Check this out. And it's called A Civil War is growing in Washington. A civil war is growing in Washington. This was the first one from August 4th. Double standards, hypocrites, liars, and manipulators, murderous thieves, You may be asking, Lord, who are you talking about? My children, most government officials, your news media, big tech giants, Hollywood, many agencies, and corporations. These types of people are all over trying to control the narratives of nations money and power and trying to take over churches My children, much darkness is all over the Earth trying to put out your light. Trying to destroy any hope you have. Trying to destroy your bodies, your minds, your family, your finances, your nations, and most of all, your faith. And trust in me. This is a fierce battle the world has been in for much time now. While my church stayed silent and allowed so much darkness to take over because my church believed it wasn't their place to say or do anything about government, business, or the news. While all the seven mountains of influence were being hijacked by your enemies to destroy my word upon this earth to try and destroy any goodness life and blessing and what I wanted to give to you My children, your enemies are using technology to imprison you. In a way noone saw coming. Because so many were deceived and is seeing only good things about it. And not the bad. They have used it for a major distraction, deception, and for your destruction. If you are not armed with my word in this time, you are defenseless and that is what they counted on. That you would fall for every one of their traps and most people did. My children, it is now time to stop distractions and focus on my word. Stop being deceived and believe in me so your enemies are no longer able to destroy you. You were in the time of warning. Your enemy's strategies will not work like they used to. They will try to their blame blame game lies and much deception. The masses are turning away from them and they will continue to turn away. Their polls again I say are so deceptive. Their own party is not believing the lies either. Many more people will speak out against the left and their puppet swap. It is not going how they thought it would go. Their inner poles are not changing how they wanted them to change. They're becoming much worse. The establishment is crumbling and their power slipping away from them. More people will begin to speak out. More whistleblowers are coming to show how hated Kamala really is by her own party. They will prove the polls are a lie and how fake their approval of her really is. How they had no choice but to go with her to change the course and to get the attention off the Biden because the one they were using couldn't be used anymore. Hi, They tried to switch out puppets once again. But this happened so fast they knew this wouldn't last. This one wouldn't last. So Kamala it is for the time. But the next phase is about to begin. I told you, she wasn't the replacement. They will start to expose her and her secrets. Just watch more unprecedented things will pick up pace and start to expose her even more. Judgement is coming to Washington and they will not be able to stop the catastrophic failure of their next moves against this nation. More narratives will fail and uprising will begin to take shape. The establishment has tried to silence its uprising in their own camp. With the ones in Washington first, then, their own voters. Their civil war is about to become more unprecedented and more undeniable. What is really taking place when you see their faces when their puppet will malfunction in ways they cannot hide. And this is not just one puppet. The puppet masters are losing control of many. There's anger that has grown in the uniparty in DC. A panic has grown because they don't believe they can win and to keep what they have now which is this nation's full control. They have used big tech to silence you and big tech is about to be silenced by me. They are reaping what they have sown. My children, when big tech is silenced, this is not the time to grow in fear. But this is the time to grow in your faith and trust in me because I am fully setting you free from your enemies says the lord of hosts My children, things will seem and become more uncomfortable and things will begin to be more unusual and unprecedented. Hold tight to my words. The world is about to forever change from dark to light where my light will destroy and overshadow that darkness. Is a time for revival to break out. It is time where I'll be able to move through my body like never before. So the world can really see who I am and what I have for my people. My children will no longer stay silent and sit on the sidelines where someone else is running the show. My church will take back leadership roles where they need to be. So break free from this tyranny now. Saith the Lord. Your redeemer. Wow. And it's so cool how all these little puzzle pieces are fitting together. Obviously talking about the church. Kamala Harris coming came in on this. Seven Mountains of Influence which we talked about earlier using your voice speaking up, showing up so so good. Big tech, you're going to hear more about that and you're going to also hear about more about the Civil War issue. Okay, so this was interesting. Um this always happens with David. He's very prophetic. I don't think he would admit it but he's very prophetic and this morning when I woke up because I go to bed pretty early on Tuesday night because I get up at four to prepare for the prophetic report. When I woke up this morning, there was a text from him with an interview from Meghan Kelly and Glen Beck. Now, we're going to take you to the natural but there's two things that are tying into actually three. We're going to hear about big tech but we're also going to hear about Civil War and we're all going to hurt here about birth pains which is going to be later on in the prophetic report. So it this all ties together. This is in the natural conversation between Meghan Kelly and Glenn Beck from August the 5th 2thousand twenty-four. Check this out. Joe Biden has done so many things that kick in beginning in twenty twenty-five. And when you see those things kick in if you think our economy is bad now it's going to be worse in twenty twenty and that's without war. That's without any you know big shock to the system and I don't know about you Megan but you know I've said before that these are the birth payings of the things to come which means we're getting ready to give birth to something that I don't think we want to see and they'll get faster and faster. Uh it feels like we're in constant labor pains right now. We're getting close. We're getting close to something. There's a reason all these tech giants and Wall Street giants one by one have come out endorsed Trump. They understand that this so-called recovery that we've been told we're experiencing but the average Joe just doesn't feel it and is holding the Biden Harris administration responsible for it that we know it's not real that we we can see and they've been manipulating the inflationary indicators so that they take out the most problematic ones to make the numbers look better and the job market responses or the the in jobs every month are also manipulated they always come out high and then when you're not looking a month later they reduce them significantly so the jobs that they added are lower than they said they were that happen over the past two months and then this month they were way lower they had to admit they were way lower than expected and so now we seem to be on trend for few jobs increasing unemployment people still can't pay their bills the stock stock market is tumbling and that is why President Trump is out there today calling this the Great Depression of 20twenty-four you can't play games with markets Kamala crash this absolutely could become an actual election issue and I don't know like I'm not sure if they can do the propping up in the next 1hundred days to hide it you can't if it doesn't if it's just a mini crisis I think we'll get through it. If it is a if if this is the one that brings it down and I don't think it is. War. If war gets serious and we're all going towards war that will be the final straw. Um hopefully that won't happen before November. Um because I just I don't know what people will do. People have been lied to for so long. You know what's happening in Great Britain right now? That is that is a microcosm of us. What's happening on the streets right now is being so spun and so misunderstood by the elite and then the elites will educate the people what they're really bad about and then you know they're just mad because they're racist that's not true and that's not what's happening over there they're about to go into civil war England in civil war well that's what's coming our way if we don't correct this from the leadership side you can only take lies so long eventually every Everybody sees it. And that's when usually guns come out and you're going to shut up. You're going to do this. You're going away. You're going to be silenced because you you have to go into the Russia state or the Stazi state of of East Berlin where everybody knows the truth but you don't speak it. You say something else. Yeah. And then you whisper it maybe to your wife at night. Yeah like be Those are actual men. I want to show you and the audience something and here's Kamala Harris. I mean, this is beyond measuring the drapes. She appeared in Houston to eulogize the late Representative Sheila Jackson Lee who died of pancreatic cancer sought to. It was Sheila Jackson Lee whose bill made Juneteenth a federal holiday. Which as a United States senator I was proud to co-sponsor and then as president as vice president it was my honor with the president with the Okay. She's not the president. She may have been secretly acting as the president for who knows how long. We don't know. So but now we're looking at possible expanded war with Iran in the Middle East Glen and we actually do kind of need a commander-in-chief. And we need to know who it is. Man that was very fascinating. There's just a lot of slip ups that we're hearing a lot from the Biden Harris group. Um I want to take you now to Chris Reed. This is interesting because this was a prophetic word from December the 29th 2022 that was 2022 talking about what's coming 2023 and in the future and he's talking about Kamala Harris and stepping into the president role for a short period of time check this out I saw an exposure of particularly Chinese money and bribery and the beginning of this will be a major opening of the exposure that will begin the downfall of the Biden administration. The Hunter Biden laptop case that was suppressed before the 2020 election is about to be opened up. It's going to be an issue that will be in the news and it will take a centerfold place in the news and it will tremendously hurt his father's credibility and past claims. It will ultimately be the beginning and I'm standing on this what I said last year and what the Lord has shown me. This will hurt his father to the point to where Biden will lose power and will be out of office before 20twenty-four election. I'm standing on it. I I I'm not guessing at this. This isn't guess work. These are things that I have seen. Joe Biden's health will continue to fail. And I do not wish him harm. I I I pray for him. I pray God will remove him a lot. But I also pray for him and for his salvation. For him to be a Saul of Tarsus you know. Becoming a Paul. But I think his health will be be the reason claim for why he is taken out of power but it will be convenient for the Democrats to not have him leading the it in 20 twenty-four and I have seen Kamala Harris being at the helm but only for a short short time. I'm talking weeks or months. Man, okay, that's very encouraging. Alright, I want to take you now. We're going to now this next section is about the future like what are we seeing for the rest of 20 twenty-four, 2025, four years from now. Felt that these were really important. Um this is from hey on August the 4th 2000twenty-four, the 9 AM church service and this is how the Lord started it. Can you see the future? Says the spirit of God. Check this out. Can you see the future? Says the spirit of God for there is an anointing that is released as it was in the days when the anointing rested upon those sons of Issachar who could discern the times and know what Israel the nation should do. Yet there are those at this time that are inflicted with fear. They believe the fake and false narratives and the lies that perpetrate and all are they great. And so they cannot see the future correctly. But I say to you I have released an anointing at this time. And I have spoken through my servants who prophesy so that you would understand the season, the time, the hour of your present but of your future. There was patriarchs and one such who looked for a city whose builder and maker was God what do you look for as you look in the months that are ahead the years that are ahead in this nation do you see a nation filled with my glory Do you see a nation that has been delivered by the hand of God. For there were ten spies who could not see the future and talked a nation out of their promise. Yet there was one patriarch Joseph said carry my bones into the promised land. Why? Because he knew the future that the graves would be open when the Messiah would be risen from the dead why do I speak this to you because you will see over the next few weeks heading into September and through October much change chaotic things that will seek to arise and those who will speak and they will speak war they will speak and say what has happened to the gas petroleum what has happened to communications for they will seek to touch your computers again and they will seek to touch the way of transportation your oil you must be wise in this time says the spirit of God for Noah being warned of God moved by faith and prepared an ark this is a time to prepare not to be in fear but to know as deliverance comes as release comes to this nation the enemy will seek very hard to delay to bring chaos to bring fear to bring disruptions and to make you think that things are falling apart and will never ever be great again yet I say to you I have given you a deliverer I have given this country a promise that is not a campaign slogan and it is my promise if you see the future that this country will be raised up again and you will see prayer yes prayer to me it will be restored in your schools universities public places my word will be spoken and even read in your school houses. You will see not only the ten commandments in public squares but in the place of your schools. You will begin to see as they have shoved and they have pushed my defining of gender. Yet God says watch how it shall backfire and watch how I restore as there will come a great movement among the transgenders that they will say, we, we, we, we do not no longer believe this. Watch what I do to defend traditional marriage on a governmental level, says the spirit of God. Can you see the future? This is the time to pray. It's the hour to watch says the Lord. Because the enemy will seek to come in many ways even to touch water by way of drinking do not fear but be wise be prepared because the season that you are in is about to be greatly and drastically shaken. That I may reset you. That you will never go back. To the way that things were. But as you pray, I will raise up a standard and I'll bring a great restraint. Thank you Lord. Hear the Holy Spirit give me an instruction. Listen to me. How many know Wednesday we're going to pray and fast? We've been doing that. Listen to me. A lot of focus is upon the presidency. Spirit of God says I've showed you already. My plan and my purpose to preserve the man and the plan. Do not stop for there is more prayer and fasting required for his safety. But God says the enemy knows the hedge that is around the presidency. There is a weakness and vulnerability. To try to hinder through your senate and your house. That the strongmen will be bound and they will not be able to manipulate or rise again and I will cause the house to come crumbling down and I will reset the senate if you will pray and fast in a way that will be shocking How many hearing what he's saying? Janet, he's given us a prayer strategy. We need to be fasting over the house and the senate that it goes the right direction. Are you hearing me? Yes. And keep up the hedge of protection. Amen? Amen. Amen. Okay. So, this was pretty cool. The transportation of oil. Maybe write on a piece of paper, oil. We're going to hear about that a few more times today. Joseph Z, Brandon Biggs, and Chris Reed all talking about oil. That's pretty interesting. The transgenders. So, great movement among the transgenders. They say we no longer believe this. So exciting. That goes along with what we already heard about the eunuchs and everything that we heard about Harris and then this is the time to pray and the hour to watch because the enemy will seek to come in many ways like drinking wa
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