Where is Silver Price Headed?

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In this video I talk about silver price and why the price in dollars may not matter. Where is silver price headed right now? What will silver price be at the end of the year? Gold price is breaking out above $2500 and is once again nearing an all time high. Silver price is now around $28.50 per oz and gold in only $9 off of its all time high. Will gold price continue to climb higher? Will silver price continue to climb higher as well? Why are silver and gold prices on the rise right now? What will affect gold and silver price next week? should you even be buying silver? What type of silver is best? Will silver price continue to rise or will we have a correction? I believe that if you are a hard core stacker then you should measure your wealth in ounces. How many ounces of silver and gold you have is how much money you have. Value is more important than price. What do you think?

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