Israeli Minister Declares War with Lebanon Just DAYS AWAY.

14 days ago

Right, so an Israeli Minister has now made the threat of war with Lebanon, full blown war that is, being just days away along with a claim that the Dahiyeh suburb of Beirut will end up resembling Gaza as a result, so so much for calming the situation down and seeking to de-escalate tensions and find a way to peace. There can be none with this Israeli government, They don’t want it, they don’t want to give up Gaza, Netanyahu doesn’t want to give up his throne so to speak and therefore all those nations who have conducted retaliatory strikes against Israel in support of the Palestinian people, well they need to be dealt with too.
Of all the nations to have attacked Israel in response to their genocide in Gaza though, none have been as committed shall we call it as Lebanon and Hezbollah, so it’s probably not a big shock that Israel has cast it’s eye on them as their next major target, it was always likely to be them, it‘s not like Israel haven’t invaded Lebanon before is it? The wider war Netanyahu seeks looks like it might be about to begin.
Right, so Israel and Hezbollah, they have been taking bigger and bigger lumps out of each other in recent weeks, just this weekend Israel have fired rockets into Lebanon, which killed three emergency responders in the town of Froun, as well as injuring two others, which prompted a Lebanese response yesterday morning, a rocket attack on the northern Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona. The attacks have grown in intensity, but rocket fire has been commencing across the Israel-Lebanon border virtually since October 7th and as much as this has been referred to as war already, Israel being at war on seven fronts, if we roll in the likes of Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria and the West Bank, nothing we’ve seen has compared to what we’ve witnessed happening in the Gaza Strip itself, but according to yet another of Benjamin Netanyahu’s mad ministers, hot on the heels of the deranged Tally Gotliv, a member of Netanyahu’s own Likud Party now demanding the interrogation and detention of human rights group B’Tselem director Yuli Novak, for daring to speak the truth to the UN Security Council, it’s another of Netanyahu’s party members who have evidently looked at the rhetoric of the likes of Gotliv and indeed far right coalition ministers like Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir and essentially said hold my beer.
This time it is a chap called Nissim Vaturi who is responsible and it’s always a warning sign when you happen to look someone up as I have, when you aren’t particularly familiar with somebody and inevitably end up reading his Wikipedia page as a starting point and see that the largest section there doesn’t concern his political career, but controversies associated with them.
For example Vaturi claimed in 2023 that some parents who supported LGBTQ values gave their sons dolls to play with to encourage them to be gay.
In November of last year, a month into the Gaza genocide, he claimed Israel were being too humane and that they should burn Gaza. He’s also called for water to be cut off until the hostages are returned.
He repeated those claims to burn Gaza in January of this year, claiming it is better to do that than risk their own soldiers being harmed, that there is no such thing as an innocent in Gaza and that Israeli’s have just one common goal and that is to erase Gaza from the face of the Earth.
Those in Israel protesting against the Israeli government for their atrocities in Gaza he has referred to as a branch of Hamas and on one occasion just back in July, he, along with several other politicians, mostly from the far right coalition government parties, broke into an IDF detention centre where several Israeli soldiers were being held accused of abusing a Palestinians detainee, in an attempt to free them. So much for justice and rule of law, these people really don’t think it applies to them, arrogance off the scale. But such is Nissim Vaturi.
At any rate, he’s the one now saying war on Lebanon is coming in days as this excerpt from the Times of Israel explains:
‘Likud MK Nissim Vaturi, a member of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, claims it is “a matter of days” before full-on war erupts between Israel and Lebanon.
Vaturi, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling party, tells the Kan public broadcaster that when this happens, Beirut’s Dahiyeh suburb — a major Hezbollah stronghold — “will look like Gaza.”
“There is no other way,” Vaturi threatens, adding that Netanyahu is of the same opinion and that “this is something that will develop in the coming days.”
He says Netanyahu briefed military officials Sunday and told them “we must end this saga.”’
Vaturi also said that this would be instigated by 4-5 days of rocket fire, followed by a full ground invasion of Lebanon after that.
It would be particularly stupid in my view. Israel have tried this before, they’ve gone to war with Lebanon on numerous occasions in the past, Hezbollah is itself an entity of Israel’s own making, and like Hamas they make use of tunnel networks underground. In fact for as much as the media love to talk about Hamas and their tunnel network, it was Hezbollah who have the patent so to speak, they’ve been doing it a lot longer and in 2006, when Israel last went to war against Lebanon, the tunnel networks meant that Hezbollah were able to consistently come up behind Israeli lines, or lie in wait for days on end for Israelis to move past their positions and then come up behind them.
Aside from the obvious turf war disadvantage, it would be yet another attempt at provocation of Iran, attacking another of it’s allies, Iran still not having retaliated following the assassination of Hamas chief negotiator Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and the longer the world waits, the more people wonder either if they ever will, or how bad it is going to be once they do. Iran for their part are still saying it’s coming, but when they are good and ready. Israel is desperate to drag in the US or other nations into a wider war, they still think they can do it, an invasion of Lebanon they might well feel would do it, for others in Israel Lebanon is simply becoming the bigger issue than Gaza now and they have to redeploy their own forces as best they feel is needed to protect the country. It’s a bizarre notion that this might be all about safety though, all this war and aggression and violence and yet Jewish people are still told it is the safest place on Earth for them!
Anyway, aside from that, an invasion of Lebanon, especially a ground invasion would necessitate the breaching of the border, a border which is patrolled by the Lebanese army together with UNIFIL, the United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon, who have just now had their remit renewed for another year, patrolling the border region below what is known as the Blue Line, a sort of Lebanese equivalent to the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt.
Knowing that Lebanon and Israel last went to war with each other in 2006 and knowing UNIFIL had been in place since 1978, I was curious about UNIFIL’s involvement and the impact upon them then, to see what that could mean now.
UNFIL has 3 main objectives you see, which are to confirm the withdrawal of Israel from Southern Lebanon and obviously make sure it stays that way and has done since. To restore peace and security, and to assist the Lebanese government in it’s authority in the border region. It’s a task force designed to assist Lebanon keep order along the border. Those objectives got expanded after 2006, to monitoring cessation of hostilities, accompanying Lebanese armed forces through the southlands and along the Blue Line, extend humanitarian assistance and assist the Lebanese government upon request in securing it’s borders and other entry points. Just keep that last point in mind for a bit.
I was curious as to the impact on UNIFIL when Israel invaded previously in 2006, before that expansion of UNIFIL’s remit and it’s that word interim in UNIFIL’s acronym that plays a part, because the longer peace had reigned, the less need it was seen for there to be as large of a UNIFIL presence on the border. In 2006 UNIFIL had been reduced to less than 2000 people, it’s lowest numbers ever, and they struggled to maintain aid, take casualties to get medical assistance, remove the bodies of the fallen, so on and so forth. Their remit since, has however, now been expanded to a more militarised role and their numbers were increased again, now standing at some 10,000 individuals from across some 41 different nations. That stands before Israel as well. Are they so desperate to go to war with Lebanon again they’d go to war with the UN? Well with the US constantly protecting them, I wouldn’t personally put it past them, there are also no US troops involved in UNIFIL at all, perhaps not a massive surprise either. The optics of this task force being deployed against Israel at the behest of the Lebanese government, as is their right, would be a sore test of the UN though wouldn’t it?
Is Netanyahu on board with this as much as Nissim Vaturi claims and are we going to see a full blown invasion in the next few days? I think it’s quite likely. Netanyahu needs a new enemy to keep himself in power, but it won’t win Israel the victimhood it craves, that ship has sailed. Their reputation will certainly only worsen if this now happens.
Meanwhile do check out this story of the Israeli minister wanting the head of that human rights agency B’Tselem to potentially face the death penalty of life imprisonment for that speech she gave to the UN Security Council, what could she have said to warrant such aggression? Find out in this video recommendation here ans your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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